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Depending on the Cowboy Release Day!

Depending on the Cowboy Release Day., Jill Kemerer. Wyoming Ranchers book 4. February 2023. Love Inspired Books

The holidays are over. January is zooming by. You’re in the mood to read, but what? Well, I can help with that. The fourth book in my Wyoming Ranchers series, Depending on the Cowboy, releases today! Yeehaw!

So here’s a little info about the book. Blaine Mayer recently took over half of the family ranch and is nervous about doing things right. His older brother Jet (from A Cowboy to Rely On) has been in charge for several years. Blaine’s always felt like he’s a step behind Jet. Plus, the dry weather conditions have him and all his ranching buddies concerned about how they’ll feed the cattle in the upcoming winter.

To further disrupt Blaine’s world, his high school crush, Sienna Powell is staying in the nearby cabin with her teen niece and nephew–just for the summer–to help his mother and sister with their candle company. Sienna is recently divorced…and very pregnant.

She’s also easy to talk to. Quiet Blaine understands her concerns about her niece and nephew (their separated parents are trying to reconcile), so together, he and Sienna do their best to make the summer fun for the kids. And in the meantime, old sparks start to fly. But they both have baggage not easy to leave behind. They’ll have to trust God’s plan for their lives in order to have a future together.

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3 Scoops of Life vol 1

3 Scoops of Life vol 1., Jill Kemerer, Blog

Welcome to my new monthly series! I’m calling it 3 Scoops of Life. I love ice cream, and 3 scoops seems like a dream cone to me. No, we’re not eating ice cream (although we can!). I’m simply highlighting three good things in my life each month.

  • One is writing/work related.
  • One is personal.
  • One is an encouragement.

Scoop 1 (Work):

I took an entire afternoon last week to organize my business life for 2023. I DID NOT WANT TO DO THIS. Setting aside the time for this is a challenge for me. I wanted to focus on the real work: a writing project. I know from experience, though, if I don’t have my systems in place, I waste time, I get frazzled and important things slip through the cracks. Then I get mad at myself and feel like a big dummy, and I end up slapping together the systems anyhow.

Not this year, my friends.

Here’s what I did.

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Year in Review 2022

Year in Review 2022, Jill Kemerer,

It’s that time again…a fresh start. A season to hunker down and begin to tackle all those lovely goals we have in mind for 2023. But first, I like to review the previous year. It helps me see what I did right and what I want to do differently.

Year in Review Business Numbers

Books released: Four (4)

New words written: 232,000

Words reworked from older book: 83,000

Total Words: 315,000

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December 2022 Goals

December 2022 Goals. Jill Kemerer blog

My writer productivity skyrockets when I set monthly goals. At the beginning of each week I break them down into daily tasks that will work within my current schedule. Do you know how great it is to finish projects? Of course you do! For me, setting monthly goals makes it all possible…

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November 2022 Goals

November 2022 Goals, Jill Kemerer blog

My writer productivity skyrockets when I set monthly goals. At the beginning of each week I break them down into daily tasks that will work within my current schedule. Do you know how great it is to finish projects? Of course you do! For me, setting monthly goals makes it all possible…

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The Mistletoe Favor Releases Today

The Mistletoe Favor Release Day! By Jill Kemerer

There are certain days in an author’s life that are extra special, and release days are at the top! Today is the official release day of The Mistletoe Favor!

The Mistletoe Favor Release Day

The Mistletoe Favor is my 20th book with Love Inspired!! Aaahhh!

It’s the third book in my Wyoming Ranchers series (Guarding His Secret is technically part of the series, too, but it’s listed as a K-9 Companions book). The Mistletoe Favor follows Mac Tolbert and Bridget Renna as they navigate the holidays during a difficult time in both of their lives.

Mac has lived in Sunrise Bend, Wyoming, since he was a freshman in high school. His wealthy, overbearing father died a few months earlier along with Mac’s stepmother, and Mac is now the legal guardian of Kaylee, his fifteen-year-old stepsister. He loves Kaylee but feels like he’s in over his head. He’s also dealing with survivor guilt regarding the massive inheritance he’s received.

Bridget recently moved from New York City to Sunrise Bend to be near her best friend, Sawyer Roth. She’s listened to his tales of small-town life for years, and since he moved back the previous year, she’s decided to open a coffee shop in town. She’s a city girl with a very painful past and struggles not only with the challenges of small-town living–she doesn’t know how to drive, and everyone knows everything about everyone!–but also with the fact her new landlord asks her to hire his withdrawn sister. The landlord also happens to be ridiculously handsome…and nice. She’s drawn to Mac from the get-go.

I don’t want to give anything away, but needless to say, this is a heartwarming Christmas book full of hope and redemption. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I did writing it.

Here’s the cover and back cover copy:

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October 2022 Goals

October Goals 2022 Jill Kemerer

My writer productivity skyrockets when I set monthly goals. At the beginning of each week I break them down into daily tasks that will work within my current schedule. Do you know how great it is to finish projects? Of course you do! For me, setting monthly goals makes it all possible.

Every month I share how I did the previous month as well as my new goals. Let’s get to it!

How Did I Do? Jill’s September 2022 Goals

  • Writing
  • Revise and polish the trade-length book. No CHECK
  • Health
  • Exercise 5 days/week. CHECK!
  • Two raw veggies/weekday. MOSTLY CHECK
  • Counting calories using MyFitnessPal and sticking to reduced total calories on weekdays. MOSTLY CHECK
  • Other
  • Read 15 minutes of fiction every weekday. NO CHECK
  • Enjoy college football with all the fun food! DOUBLE CHECK!
  • Make (and can) apple butter. NO CHECK
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The Mistletoe Favor Giveaway

The Mistletoe Favor Giveaway

Over the weekend, I got out my cozy sweaters and fall decorations. I love autumn!

Before we know it, the holidays will be here. I have a November release (the book will be in stores October 25, 2022!), and I’m celebrating by hosting a Christmas-themed giveaway!

One winner will receive a true large print copy of THE MISTLETOE FAVOR, three bonus books, a Christmas tea towel, a Christmas ornament, a Christmas decoration and a Christmas-scented air freshener!

Before we get to the entry form, here’s a little about the book.

The Mistletoe Favor. Wyoming Ranchers 4. Jill Kemerer. Love Inspired November 2022

It will take one special cowboy

To make this season bright.

After gaining guardianship of his half sister, wealthy rancher Mac Tolbert hopes a part-time job during the holidays will help the grieving teenager. New coffee shop owner Bridget Renna has been on her own since sixteen and is immediately drawn to the shy orphan—and her handsome brother. But as Bridget grows closer to the siblings, will her troubled past ruin their chance at a Christmas together?

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Getting Back Into Longer Working Hours

Longer Working Hours. Jill Kemerer. Blog

As you might have noticed, I didn’t blog much this summer. I never do. I like to loosen up my schedule during the summer to read on my deck, take long walks and just enjoy life!

Now that September is here, I’m transitioning to longer working hours.

Last week I added my late-afternoon work block (I call it Block 3) back into my schedule. I write, plot or revise from late morning to late afternoon. Then I switch gears. I spend another hour or two working on marketing, business planning, continuous education, etc… You can learn more about my process in “Get More Done with a Plan.”

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