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Popular Articles ~ General Writing
- Manuscript Format the Easy Way (March 2023)
- The Temptation to Over-Simplify Secondary Characters (March 2022)
- Writing Slow: What Went Wrong? (February 2022)
- Basic Story Structure: 5 Plot Points (February 2022)
- The Right Idea for the Wrong Book (October 2021)
- Is Improvement Automatic {Aspiring Writers} (March 2021)
- The Importance of Motivation in Fiction (February 2020)
- Growing Comfortable with the Discomfort of Writing (January 2020)
- Writing Romance 101: The Opening Pages (November 2019)
- Why Starting a New Story is Hard for Me (October 2019)
- Why Our Characters Must Fail (March 2019)
- 2 Ways I Prevent Writer’s Block (January 2019)
- 4 Tips to Start and End a Scene (November 2018)
- An Hour with a Blank Notebook (October 2018)
- What Being an Author Really Means (September 2018)
- Discussing Wonderbook: The Illustrated Guide to Creating Imaginative Fiction (June 2018)
- Researching Contemporary Settings Without Traveling (April 2018)
- Internal Conflict: Digging Deeper (March 2018)
- Teasing the Reader to Continue Your Book (February 2018)
- 2 Tricks for Pacing (November 2017)
- Romantic Conflict 101 (October 2017)
- Pitch Prep (September 2017)
- 3 Ways to Get Feedback on Your Writing (August 2017)
- Expense Reports, Plotting Flow Chart, and Project Tips (March 2017)
- Why Research Changes My Stories (March 2017)
- Scheduling Creative Sessions (January 2017)
- When Your Calling Flatlines: Guest Post for Seekerville (December 2016)
- Developing Ideas (September 2016)
- Too Intimidated to Write? (September 2016)
- 8 Years of Blogging! (August 2016)
- Talking About Books on Television (August 2016)
- 3 Tips to Do as Soon as You Finish a Manuscript (July 2016)
- Insecurity (March 2016)
- Taking Care of YOU (March 2016)
- Are You Willing to Fight for It? (March 2016)
- It Takes 3 Days to Lose Momentum (February 2016)
- Creating a Production Plan (January 2016)
- The Value of Brainstorming (December 2015)
- Ten Truths About Writing Year In and Year Out (December 2015)
- I’m Not at ACFW Conference and I’m Jealous! (September 2015)
- Is a Writing Shortcut Worth It? (August 2015)
- What Writers Really Want (June 2015)
- Did Your Brain Shut Down? Brewing Story Ideas (May 2015)
- Promoting Your Book: Getting Organized (March 2015)
- Deepening Internal Conflicts in Romance Novels (November 2014)
- Strengthening Weak Areas in Your Writing (October 2014)
- Three Fun Websites for Fiction Writers (October 2014)
- How to Make an Okay Romance Plot Compelling (September 2014)
- Writing as a Business: Tracking Income (August 2014)
- Writing as a Business: Tracking Expenses (August 2014)
- Writers at the Crossroad: Success, Indecision and Failure (May 2014)
- To Diagram or Not to Diagram (April 2014)
- When Software Slows Your Progress (February 2014)
- Discussing Plot: Complication or Situation? (July 2013)
- Been Writing a While? Keep the Details Fresh (July 2013)
- So You Didn’t Final in the Contest (June 2013)
- Using Flow Charts to Plot (March 2013)
- How I Multitask My Writing (February 2013)
- Pushing Your Word Count (October 2012)
- What Makes a Book Unique (September 2012)
- Evaluating Ideas for Books (July 2012)
- Draft Systems (April 2012)
- Fire Your Muse (March 2012)
- Why Our Characters Must Fail (November 2011)
- Why a First Draft Is Like a Day at the Farm (October 2011)
- Three Tricks to Keep Your Eyes Fresh When Revising (August 2011)
- My Secret: Organizing Writing Notes (May 2011)
- Simple Ways to Streamline Your Writing (August 2010)
- Writing the Synopsis Before the Book Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 (February 2010)
Popular Articles ~ Time Management & Organization
- The 3 Ps of Time Management (February 2023)
- Getting Back into Longer Working Hours (September 2022)
- The Secret to Getting Started (January 2022)
- Bite-Size Sessions for Lower Priority Projects (January 2022)
- 3 Ways to Avoid Distractions and Keep Writing (May 2021)
- Building a Cushion Into Deadlines (March 2021)
- Secret of 2 Lists: Productivity (October 2020)
- 5 Mistakes Writers Make in the Summer (July 2020)
- Organizing the Writing Life: Digital Files (May 2020)
- Organizing the Writing Life: Business (May 2020)
- When is Your Peak Time to Write (February 2020)
- Writing Slow and Not Loving It (January 2019)
- Get More Done with a Plan (October 2018)
- Using Gretchen Rubin’s Four Tendencies to Meet Writing Goals (January 2018)
- Striving and Setbacks (May 2017)
- When You Can’t Focus (February 2017)
- Free Printable Weekly Progress Sheet (February 2017)
- Self-Discipline and Meeting Your Goals (January 2017)
- The Mental Relief of Getting Organized (November 2015)
- Tips to Successfully Switch Between Projects (October 2015)
- How I’m Making Writing Work This Summer (June 2015)
- Are You In a Time Management Rut? (February 2015)
- How to Combat Common Work at Home Problems (November 2014)
- When to Say Yes and When to Say No (October 2014)
- How I Make My Writing Life Easier (July 2014)
- Tips for a Productive Author Photo Session (July 2014)
- Why New Author Photos Are Time Eaters (July 2014)
- My New Day Planner (January 2014)
- Real Life? What’s That? (November 2013)
- Is a Simple Goal Eluding You? (October 2013)
- Three Tips for Managing Your Day (September 2013)
- Fighting Distractions (June 2010)
- The Picky Writer’s Day Planner (January 2010)
- My Summer Survival Plan (June 2010)
Popular Articles ~ Social Media
- Digital Minimalism Experiment: 2 Years Later (June 2021)
- How I Distribute Digital Review Copies (April 2021)
- Maintenance Marketing for Writers (March 2021)
- Twitter Advice 2018 (February 2018)
- Author Platform: Newsletter Providers (January 2018)
- 4 Promotion Tool Improvements for Writers (March 2015)
- Why I Deleted Half My Twitter Lists (September 2014)
- Building an Author Platform Wore Me Out (March 2014)
- 14 Blog/Website Essentials for Writers (May 2013)
- Blogging: The New Challenge Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 (April 2013)
- Do It Yourself Business Cards (August 2012)
- Great Social Media Sites for Author Platform (February 2012)
- Magazine Layouts for Your Blog/Website (June 2011)
- 17 Simple Steps to Build an Author Platform (June 2011)
- Do You Need a Website? (March 2011)
- One Tip for Writers Starting a Blog (February 2011)
- Why Not to Announce Requests and Rejections (January 2011)
- Three Topics to Avoid on Social Networks (January 2011)
- Why You Might Fear Twitter and Facebook (July 2010)
Jill’s Writing Journey