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Release Day! The Cowboy’s Little Secret

Text: Release Day. Cover of The Cowboy's Little Secret. Background is ranch with barn, blue skies, mountains. Text:

The Cowboy's Little Secret is in stores now! It's here! It's release day for The Cowboy's Little Secret! This is the final book in my Wyoming Ranchers series. It's always exciting to see the completion of a series--but it's sad, too. I'll miss these characters! Since I waited a long…

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New Books I Want to Read + Giveaway

Graphic with marble and blue background. Polaroid of The Shifting Current by Dani Pettrey. Polaroid of The Baby Inheritance by Tina Radcliffe. Text New Books I Want to Read + Giveaway

New books! It seems like every month I'm excited about several new books releasing. This month is no exception! I'm sharing two books I can't wait to read. And Tina Radcliffe has graciously offered a signed paperback of her new release, The Baby Inheritance to one reader! The giveaway entry…

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May Goals 2023

Background with daisies and grass. Text reads #writerproductivity May Goals 2023,

My writer productivity skyrockets when I set monthly writer goals, and it’s time to share my May goals. At the beginning of each week I break them down into daily tasks that fit my current schedule. Do you know how great it is to finish projects? Of course you do! For me,…

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