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Get Back on Track!

Last night I took a walk with my husband, and it hit me that I'd been off track with my health plan for a good week. It's crazy that it took me a week to even realize this!   I also set insanely high writing goals, ones I realistically knew…

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If We Were Having Coffee Together

If you and I were having coffee together, my end of the conversation would include the following.       It's been a very rainy spring/summer for us. On the plus side, our grass is a gorgeous, lush green. On the negative side? It's also full of mushrooms. Yuck. :(…

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What Writers Really Want

What Writers Really Want

After the annual mayhem known as the end of the school year, I'm recovering from shell-shock. There comes a point where even one more packed lunch or sound of a too-early alarm puts me over the edge into scary territory. My brain knows I have a writing to-do list eleven miles…

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