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Romantic Conflict 101 #WW

Romantic Conflict 101 #WW

"What is the hero's romantic conflict?" "I don't see how this problem will keep the couple apart for an entire book." "This could be cleared up with a simple conversation." If you write romance novels, you may have heard the above a time or two from professionals or critique partners.…

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Cover Reveal! Christmas Collection

I'm so excited to be part of a novella anthology with three other Love Inspired authors! Our novella collection, I'll Be Home for Christmas, will be available in November. I'll keep you posted with more info as soon as I get it! In the meantime, here's the cover!   I love…

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Writing Roundup: October 11

Writing Roundup October 11, 2017

    I've read several great blog posts about writing lately. I'm not always great about reading blogs, but when I do, I'm amazed at the timely content. I figured you'd be interested in them, too, so I'm sharing them here! Amy Green, fiction publicist at Bethany House Publishers, was…

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