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Is Improvement Automatic {Aspiring Writers}

Is writing improvement automatic? Jill Kemerer

Way back when I submitted my first novel for publication, I was certain getting published would happen quickly–a year, tops. I believed talent would take me places.

Confidence is a good thing. It pushed me through a lot of hard times.

But reality came knocking quickly, and with it came humility.

When I realized getting published might take longer–much longer–than I thought, I questioned if I had any talent at all. Had I been lying to myself?

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Are You a Comma Master?

Are you a comma master? Jill Kemerer blog

Commas. Where do they go? Why did I throw one there? Does this phrase need one? Are seventeen commas in one sentence too many??? (Yes.) I consider myself at intermediate level when it comes to comma placement. No matter how much I edit, I always find spots where I've misplaced…

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