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Ice Cream, Bunnies and Tree Buds

I have a love/hate relationship with April in northern Ohio. I'm pretty sure it rained every day last week. On Saturday, the sun came out, the weather warmed, and I believed for a few hours summer might eventually arrive. Tuesday night I bought my first ice cream cone of the…

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Writer’s Life: Catherine West

Bridge of Faith

Welcome to another edition of Writer's Life, my interview series with authors of inspirational or sweet romance. Today I'm delighted to have Catherine West! Catherine is an award-winning author and a witty friend. She has a new contemporary romance out, Bridge of Faith. It's getting rave reviews, and I love the cover!…

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Last Night’s Scary Tornado

All week my daughter took a class in a busy part of the city. Road construction around here is terrible right now, and we were both glad last night was her final meeting. When class let out, the sky turned an ugly yellow-brown on one side and dark blue on…

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Writer’s Life: Varina Denman

Welcome to another edition of Writer's Life, my interview series with authors of sweet or inspirational romance. I'm so excited to have Varina Denman as my guest! I met Varina a few years ago at the ACFW conference. We, along with Jill Lynn, were finalists in the Genesis contest. Varina's…

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New Tricks and the Blog Tour Continues

I hope you enjoyed your Easter Sunday! We had a beautiful sunny day, and we're still eating leftover ham and snacking on Easter basket goodies. Rain moved in. I'm hoping this means our yellow grass turns green. I am SO ready for spring!   April is always hectic around here,…

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What Sin Is Too Big For God?

What Sin is Too Big For God?

I co-teach our church's preschool Sunday school class. The other teacher and I take turns, so we each lead the class about twice a month. I love it. Little children bring so much joy to the world! Last week, we talked about Peter's denial and how sad he was after…

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