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What Are Your April 2018 Goals?

What Are Your April 2018 Goals? Jill Kemerer Blog

On the first Wednesday of each month, I share my monthly goals and encourage you to in the comments.  Sorry I'm a week late this month! Before I list my April 2018 goals, I’m reviewing last month’s progress. Last Month: Jill’s March 2018 Goals Start putting promo together for June release.…

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What Are Your February 2018 Goals?

What are your February 2018 goals?

On the first Wednesday of each month, I share my monthly goals and encourage you to in the comments. Before I list my February 2018 goals, I'm reviewing last month's progress. Last Month: Jill’s January 2018 Goals Finish revising and polishing third book in Wyoming Cowboys series. Submit as soon…

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