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Hers for the Summer Giveaway

Book Giveaway Package for Hers for the Summer by Jill Kemerer

Who’s ready for a book giveaway?

I’ve put together a fun book giveaway to celebrate my upcoming release, HERS FOR THE SUMMER! The prizes include an autographed copy of HERS FOR THE SUMMER, all three of the other books in the Wyoming Sweethearts series, adorable spring kitchen towels, hand lotion, a spring-themed notebook and yummy pretzel treats! Whee!

The book will be in stores on February 23, 2021, and the book giveaway runs from February 01, 2021 (6am EST) through February 21, 2021 (9pm EST).

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Discovering New-to-Me Children’s Books

Discovering New-to-Me Children's Books by Jill Kemerer

Last year I started a list of children’s (and young adult) books I kept seeing around the internet. I hadn’t read children’s books in years, and I got nostalgic about the ones I loved growing up. I figured it couldn’t hurt to try something different or to reread old favorites.

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Let’s Set Goals {January 2021}

Let's set goals! January 2021 by Jill Kemerer

My writer productivity skyrockets when I set monthly goals. At the beginning of each week I break them down into daily tasks that will work within my current schedule. Do you know how great it is to finish projects? Of course you do! For me, setting monthly goals makes it all possible.

Every month I share how I did the previous month as well as my new goals. Let’s get to it!

How Did I Do? Jill’s December Goals

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My Wins and Fails of 2020

My 2020 Wins and Fails

Every year between Christmas and the new year, I take an hour or two to review the year. I jot down what I accomplished professionally and if I met my goals or missed them. I also review my personal goals and think about any milestones that happened.

I’m assuming 2020 was a weird year for everyone on the planet. I know it was for me! But I was blessed in many ways, too. Life is like that.

I hope 2021 feels more normal. I miss the routine things that have been put on hold due to the pandemic.

Me on a “just went to the salon” day! Yes, that’s a win.

2020 WINS

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Free Online Read! Merry Christmas!

Free Online Read, A Cowboy for Christmas by Jill Kemerer

It’s almost Christmas! Are you ready? I’m not–not yet, at least! But I have been enjoying a lot of great books lately, so that’s a win. There’s something about curling up with a good book this time of year that warms my soul.

Guess what? My publisher, Harlequin Love Inspired, has a FREE gift for you! They’re releasing my novella, A Cowboy for Christmasone chapter each day starting today! And did I mention it’s free??

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Let’s Set Goals {December 2020}

Let's Set Goals December 2020 Jill Kemerer

My writer productivity skyrockets when I set monthly goals. At the beginning of each week I break them down into daily tasks that will work within my current schedule. Do you know how great it is to finish projects? Of course you do! For me, setting monthly goals makes it all possible.

Every month I share how I did the previous month as well as my new goals. Let’s get to it!

How Did I Do? Jill’s November Goals

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$1.99 Ebook Sale!

Today only! $1.99 ebook sale!

The ebook of my latest release, The Cowboy’s Christmas Blessings, is on sale for only $1.99 today! It’s a one-day only sale, so don’t wait on this one. This price is available at Amazon, B&N (NOOK), Google, Kobo and Apple. All five retailer links can be found by clicking here: The Cowboy’s Christmas Blessings!

$1.99 Ebook Sale!
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Book Giveaway! 30+ Books!

Booksweeps promo for The Cowboy's Christmas Blessings

With Thanksgiving right around the corner, I'm excited to share this fabulous book giveaway with you! I’ve teamed up with 30+ fantastic authors to give away a huge collection of Sweet Romances to 2 lucky winners! Oh, and did I mention the Grand Prize winner gets a BRAND NEW eReader? …

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