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Writer Productivity, Let's Set Goals Feb. 2021

Let’s Set Goals {February 2021}

My writer productivity skyrockets when I set monthly goals. At the beginning of each week I break them down into daily tasks that will work within my current schedule. Do you know how great it is to finish projects? Of course you do! For me, setting monthly goals makes it all possible.

Every month I share how I did the previous month as well as my new goals. Let’s get to it!

How Did I Do? Jill’s January Goals

  • Writing
  • Draft rest of Wyoming Ranchers Book 2 (roughly 42,000 words) CHECK!
  • Outline nonfiction book for writers CHECK!
  • Prep for speaking engagement CHECK!
  • Set up promo for Hers for the Summer (releases February 23!) CHECK!
  • Health
  • Exercise 5 days/week CHECK!
  • Keep mini-habits: add one vegetable and one fruit each day and get off the couch for one minute in the evening. I’ve been doing this for two months, and it’s been great! MOSTLY CHECK: I had a few weekend days where I failed to add the fruit and vegetable, but overall I stuck with it.
  • Other
  • Continue reading fiction for a minimum of 20 minutes every weekday CHECK!
  • Continue online class for drawing (a primer/basics tutorial with assignments) CHECK: But my enthusiasm level is low 🙂
  • Clean out file cabinet CHECK!

January was cold but mild as far as weather goes around here. I was able to walk outside 2-3 times, bundled up, of course! I had a great writing month, too. While I generally met my health goals, I noticed I’ve been slipping into old habits, like eating more processed foods instead of vegetables and fruits. Just being mindful of it helps me make better choices. As far as my down time, it’s pretty boring here in the winter even without a pandemic. I’m looking forward to warmer weather and being outside again!

Jill’s February Goals

  • Writing
  • Content edit and redline Wyoming Ranchers Book 2
  • Draft proposal for Wyoming Ranchers Book 3
  • Write one section of nonfiction book for writers
  • Promote Hers for the Summer (releases February 23!)
  • Health
  • Exercise 5 days/week
  • Keep mini-habits: add one vegetable and one fruit each day and get off the couch for one minute in the evening.
  • Drink minimum of 72 ounces of water every day. It’s so dry here in the winter. I need the hydration!
  • Other
  • Continue reading fiction for a minimum of 20 minutes every weekday
  • Finish final section of lesson one and the homework assignments for online class for drawing (a primer/basics tutorial with assignments)

That’s the plan. Now I just need to get to it!

What were your January goals? Did you meet them? What would you like to accomplish in February?

Thanks so much for joining me each month! It’s fun to see what you’re up to!


Jill Kemerer is a Publishers Weekly bestselling author of heartwarming, emotional, small-town romance novels often featuring cowboys. She hopes to encourage readers through her books the way so many books have encouraged her. Jill's essentials include coffee, caramels, a stack of books, her mini-doxie, and long walks outdoors. She resides in Ohio with her husband and two almost-grown children. For more information, visit her website,

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Jill,
    I did okay. My main writing goal is to establish a habit of 1000 words five days a week, and I made it. With January and the beginning of February, I have 20,000 words toward my WIP. They’re not all good words, but they are words.
    I also finished and submitted my last Western Dreams novel and am waiting for acceptance.
    I also made my goals on several smaller projects and aspects of supporting my writing, including overhauling my newsletter.
    I held my own health-wise. Got back into walking until the recent cold/snow snap, and got back to eating better, with salads for lunch three times a week.
    I did NOT do anything around the house except for basic cleaning. I did not overhaul any closets. Why are we not surprised? Got to do better on that, but probably not today.
    Thanks for keeping us in line.
    Kathy Bailey

    1. Wow, Kathy, you did GREAT!! Look at you! You stuck with the 1000 word/day goals, finished a novel, made progress on small projects and managed your health–that’s terrific!! Good job!!

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