A Little Blog Break
I've been pretty swamped here lately, so I'm taking a short blogging break. Hope you all have a wonderful day!! Thanks! Jill
I've been pretty swamped here lately, so I'm taking a short blogging break. Hope you all have a wonderful day!! Thanks! Jill
Today Connilyn Cossette is graciously answering questions about her writing life. Connilyn's new book, Counted with the Stars, is available in stores and online. I have all the links and book info below! Let’s get to it. THE INSIDE SCOOP WITH CONNILYN COSSETTE 1. How did you know you wanted…
Yippee! Her Small-Town Romance releases as an ebook today! I had so much fun writing this book. Set in spring/early summer in fictional Lake Endwell, Michigan, Her Small-Town Romance follows Bryan Sheffield as he's faced with a dilemma. His divorce years ago emotionally scarred him, and he's sworn off dating…
I've been writing for years, and one thing I still deal with? Insecurity. Oh, I might have months where I shake off those little doubts and feel confident in my abilities, but eventually, insecurity creeps in, and like a rash, it spreads. Unfortunately, insecurity breeds a slew of other unwelcome,…
How do you take care of yourself as a writer? This is often referred to as writer self care. Have you heard that term? I have off and on over the years. Whenever I hear it, it brings to mind the following: Move around during the day to avoid the aches and…
Just a quick post here on this fine Friday morning! I've been knee-deep in a novel I'm writing, and the end is in sight. I'm hoping to finish today. Whee!! I am more than ready to resume normal living. Writing a first draft is intense for this lady. Like yesterday…
Today Linda Rodante is graciously answering questions about her writing life. Linda's new book, Amber Alert, is available now. I have all the links and book info below! Let’s get to it! THE INSIDE SCOOP WITH LINDA RODANTE 1. How did you know you wanted to be a writer? I started reading Nancy…
I'm winding up six weeks of a heavy workload. Part of me is tired, part of me is thrilled, and part of me asks, is it worth it? Yes, it is. Last night I took a long walk to clear my head. I'd put a pot of spaghetti sauce…
Today Davalynn Spencer is graciously answering questions about her writing life. Davalynn's novella, "The Wrangler's Woman" is included in Barbour's The Cowboy's Bride collection available in stores and online. Don’t worry, I have all the links and book info below! Let’s get to it! THE INSIDE SCOOP WITH DAVALYNN SPENCER 1. How…
You know those weeks where you have unexpected appointments, ten time-consuming projects, a list of "other" tasks two pages long and you have no idea how you'll fit it all in? That was my week! My first reaction was to mentally whine and to physically crawl under a blanket on…