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The Inside Scoop with Varina Denman

Today Varina Denman is  graciously answering questions about her writing life. Varina writes for David C. Cook, and her new book, Jilted, is the third in the Mended Hearts trilogy, available in stores and online. Don’t worry, I have all the links and book info below!

Let’s get to it.


1. How did you know you wanted to be a writer?

I think it was because I liked to read so much! When my children were small, I spent a lot of time reading during all those late-night feedings, and I began to wonder if I might be able to write a book myself. Once I started my first rough draft, I was completely hooked.


2. What is unique about your process?

I’m not sure how unique it is, but I know many, many of my writer friends don’t write this way. And truthfully, I’m currently undergoing self-inflicted limitations to recover from the tendency. You see, my rough drafts are TERRIBLE. I realize that all writers say that, but my drafts are such a confusing jumble of ideas that my own mother wouldn’t even understand the story line. At all. It’s a bad habit, but that’s how my brain seems to work. I throw the words down on the page as fast as I can, then I spend MONTHS making sense of it all.

3. What inspired your book?

Lynda Turner, the main character, has suffered from depression for years. And no wonder! She was jilted by more than one man, her friends turned their backs on her, and the local congregation shunned her family. Even though I’ve never experienced anything as devastating as Lynda, I can empathize with her pain because I also struggle with depression (though my symptoms are mild in comparison to hers). It’s my prayer that Jilted will be an encouragement to women, whether they have depression or know someone who does.

4. What’s the best writing advice you’ve ever received?

Write every day. The more I try to be successful as this job, the more I believe in this simple advice. I’ve gone through stretches when I didn’t write because I was plotting or editing, but I think that was a mistake because once I started drafting again, it took weeks to get my brain back in the habit of producing creative content. It’s all about training your brain. Right now I’m drafting a new novel, and I’m able to crank out a chapter every morning before I move on to blogging and marketing. But when I’m finished drafting, and I start editing, I’m HOPING I can still write something every morning that is original, just to keep my brain in the habit.

Jill, thank you for having me on your blog!


Varina, you are very welcome! Come back anytime! Your process fascinates me. My process can only be described as linear, so I love reading about people who are non-linear. I always think, what would that be like? And could I do it? (The answer is no. I could not!) Your books have gotten rave reviews, and Jilted sounds terrific. I think many of us can relate to those dark emotions when life feels depressing. Your books bring light to many. Thank you for being my guest today!


Jilted ~




A heartbroken woman desires to move beyond old memories, but will her past give way to hope?

Lynda Turner has struggled with depression since her husband abandoned her and their young daughter fifteen years ago. Yet unexpected hope awakens when a local ex-convict shows interest. As long-hidden secrets resurface, Lynda must fight for her emotional stability and for a life in which the shadow of shame is replaced by the light of love.

Jilted tells of a woman who has lost the joy of living, of a man determined to draw her back toward happiness, and of a town that must—once and for all–leave the past where it belongs. It is a gentle reminder that all things can work together for good.

Purchase Jilted HERE!


About Varina ~

Varina Denman


Varina Denman writes stories about the unique struggles women face. Her three-book Mended Hearts series, which revolves around church hurt, is a compelling blend of women’s fiction and inspirational romance. A native Texan, Varina lives near Fort Worth with her husband and five mostly grown children. Her passion is helping others make peace with their life situations. Connect with Varina on her website or one of the social media hangouts.


Have you ever been “kicked” when you were down?

Enjoy your day!!


Jill Kemerer is a Publishers Weekly bestselling author of heartwarming, emotional, small-town romance novels often featuring cowboys. She hopes to encourage readers through her books the way so many books have encouraged her. Jill's essentials include coffee, caramels, a stack of books, her mini-doxie, and long walks outdoors. She resides in Ohio with her husband and two almost-grown children. For more information, visit her website,

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