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Celebrating God is Love Blog’s 10th Birthday!

I'm so excited to be taking part in the birthday celebrations for Alexis A. Goring's God is Love Blog! Ten years--woohoo!! Here's a little about the birthday bash: Alexis A. Goring, MFA, is the founder of "God is Love" blog ( She invites you to celebrate her blog's 10th birthday…

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Let’s Set Goals {August 2020}

Let's Set Goals August 2020 Jill Kemerer

I’m big on setting monthly goals. By listing them and breaking them down into manageable chunks, I accomplish more than I think possible. My process is to set monthly goals, then at the beginning of each week, I create daily goals that will work within my current schedule.

Each month I share how I did the previous month as well as my new goals. Let’s get to it!

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5 Mistakes Writers Make in the Summer

5 Mistakes Writers Make in the Summer by Jill Kemerer

As the seasons change, our writing habits change, too. It's human nature. We're not robots! Plus, where I live, the short, frozen days of winter stretch into long days full of sunshine and heat. I want to be out in all that sun! Back in April it seemed reasonable to…

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Let’s Set Goals {July 2020}

Let's Set Goals July 2020

I’m big on setting monthly goals. By listing them and breaking them down into manageable chunks, I accomplish more than I think possible. My process is to set monthly goals, then at the beginning of each week, I create daily goals that will work within my current schedule.

Each month I share how I did the previous month as well as my new goals. Let’s get to it!

How Did I Do? June 2020 Goals

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Let’s Set Goals {June 2020}

Let's Set Goals: June 2020 by Jill Kemerer

I’m big on setting monthly goals. By listing them and breaking them down into manageable chunks, I accomplish more than I think possible. My process is to set monthly goals, then at the beginning of each week, I create daily goals that will work within my current schedule.

Each month I share how I did the previous month as well as my new goals. Let’s get to it!

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Organizing the Writing Life: Digital Files

Organizing the Writing Life: Digital Files by Jill Kemerer

Organizing digital files. You might be asking what’s the big deal? You always find the files you need…eventually.

But what about last month when a blogger asked to interview you and needed the blurb and cover of your latest book? It took a few minutes, but you found them. Then you got another email requesting the covers of all the covers in the series. That’s when things got dicey.

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Organizing the Writing Life: Business

Organizing the Writing Life: Business. Jill Kemerer

It’s been over a decade since I submitted my first proposal to an editor who’d requested it. Back then I wrote in our living room, where I had a small folding chair and a tiny table for a desk. I didn’t care! I was so excited to finally be taking the plunge and sending out my work.

Over the years, everything got more complicated. Between digital drafts, contracts, author copies of my books, income/expense reports and all the other million and one items I need to be able to access easily, there was no way a tiny table was going to cut it. I had to come up with a system.

Thankfully, I adore systems!

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Let’s Set Goals {May 2020}

Let's Set Goals {May 2020}. Setting goals, Jill Kemerer

I’m big on setting goals. By listing them and breaking them down into manageable chunks, I accomplish more than I think possible. My process is to set monthly goals, then at the beginning of each week, I create daily goals that will work within my current schedule.

Each month I share how I did the previous month as well as my new goals. Let’s get to it!

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