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Let's Set Goals! October 2020

Let’s Set Goals {October 2020}

I’m big on setting monthly goals. By listing them and breaking them down into manageable chunks, I accomplish more than I think possible. My process is to set monthly goals, then at the beginning of each week, I create daily goals that will work within my current schedule.

Each month I share how I did the previous month as well as my new goals. Let’s get to it!

How Did I Do? Jill’s September 2020 Goals

  • Writing
  • Write 42K words of current project. CHECK!
  • Loosely plot two books. CHECK!
  • Promote my new book releasing September 29! The Cowboy’s Christmas Blessings is such a sweet book! CHECK!
  • Health
  • Exercise 5 days/week and add strength routine twice a week. CHECK!
  • Log calories using MyFitnessPal and stay in calorie range M-F. NO CHECK: I decided to switch strategies. See my new goals below!
  • Other
  • Enjoy the warm weather for as long as possible. In no time, it will be COLD. CHECK! I’ve been going to local parks and sitting on my deck on nicer days.
  • Continue reading fiction for a minimum of 20 minutes every weekday. CHECK! I’ve been reading so much more fiction as the result of this one tiny change.
  • Put together the new puzzle I bought. NO CHECK. I wasn’t feeling it.
  • Pack away my summer clothes and get out my winter clothes. NO CHECK. I did this last weekend, though!

September was hot and dry and productive. I ended up not working for a week due to a nasty migraine and seasonal allergy flare-up. But the rest of the month was great.

We visited our parents one weekend, did work around the house and just enjoyed the month.

Now that October is here, I’m motivated to finish this fourth quarter strong! I love autumn, and I love Christmas even more. 2020 has been a wild ride, and I’m determined to make the most of it.

Jill’s October 2020 Goals

  • Writing
  • Write first 50 pages of new novel.
  • Revise a different novel.
  • Take notes on 3 fiction workshops (videos).
  • Health
  • Exercise 5 days/week and add strength routine twice a week.
  • I’m trying tips from Mini-Habits for Weight Loss by Stephen Guise. It’s very intuitive. I was getting frustrated counting calories. We’ll see how this goes!
  • As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.
  • Other
  • Get my crochet project back out and start working on it.
  • Continue reading fiction for a minimum of 20 minutes every weekday.
  • Take pictures of the glorious fall colors!

How did you do last month? What challenges are you facing? How can you meet them? I’d love to hear your goals for October! Leave a comment!


Jill Kemerer is a Publishers Weekly bestselling author of heartwarming, emotional, small-town romance novels often featuring cowboys. She hopes to encourage readers through her books the way so many books have encouraged her. Jill's essentials include coffee, caramels, a stack of books, her mini-doxie, and long walks outdoors. She resides in Ohio with her husband and two almost-grown children. For more information, visit her website,

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. I made my September goals for writing. Everything else, not so much. Had a pretty comprehensive plan for October which has already been reduced to mush. On Sept. 30 my husband fell in the kitchen and broke his shoulder. He can’t drive and pretty much can’t do much of anything that involves his hands, so I am responsible for everything around the house including winter prep. No worse than anything else in 2020 but I do have to work my plan around that. My Goals Are:
    — do the revisions on my WIP pending its return from beta readers;
    — continue praying about next project and researching a possible time period;
    — continue blogging to promote my July release;
    — prepare for launch of Christmas novella; and
    — tie up the loose ends on my nonfiction history book.
    — Eat salads for lunch three times a week.
    — Walk five times a week.
    — Manage my diabetes better.
    — Prep the garden.
    — Finish the fall cleaning inside.
    — Rake, possibly with help.
    — Take brush to dump,, possibly with help.
    — Do the wood, definitely with help.
    I’m a little frustrated but know God allowed this to happen for a reason, so I’m going to work around it as best I can. 2020, you may have been a headache but you never were a bore.

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