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{friday five} Spread Joy


My blood pressure is low. Always has been. My family jokes that I don't even qualify as living! But, boy, every time I go on Facebook lately, my blood pressure rises. I don't know about you, but I have enough things in my life to raise my blood pressure--I don't…

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Friday Round-Up

This week was short but busy. Tuesday was not my favorite. Let's just say it involved the dentist, my email account being hacked, groceries and food prep and putting all that stuff away, and a missing license plate sticker from the vehicle registration I just ordered. How does the sticker…

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Too Intimidated to Write? Writer Wednesday

You tell yourself you're writing 500 words today. No matter what. But it's been a week since you opened your manuscript, and when you sit down with your laptop, you can't bring yourself to actually open the file.What begins as hesitation turns into full-blown dread. You remember a chore you forgot to do,…

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