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Spring Pinterest Board

I am itching for spring! Itching for it, I tell you. We've had a gloriously mild winter. But...winter is still gloomy. Overcast skies, chilly temperatures, dead grass, no leaves or pretty flowers or any color to look at. So I'm sharing my Pinterest board with all things spring today.  …

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{Movie Romance} Inferno

My husband and I have been watching a lot of movies at home lately. Last weekend we watched Inferno, the third installment of the Robert Langdon film series, loosely based on Dan Brown's books. I haven't read the books, so I can't tell you how the movies compare, and I'm not…

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When You Can’t Focus

Two weeks ago I was pushing hard to meet my daily and weekly goals. I had a book due, and I needed every minute to finish it. I had a three-hour window on the weekend where I was in another town with nothing to do, so I decided to revise a…

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Healthy Living Motivation

Healthy Living Motivation

Wow, January 20, 2107! How many of you are trying to improve your health this year? Me!  To be fair, I'm always trying to improve my health. Last fall I started a regular workout regime. There were weeks I skipped a few workouts, but overall, I stuck with it. This…

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Reading Goals

Do you set reading goals for yourself each year? I've always been an avid reader, so setting goals for reading books comes naturally to me. Last year, my goal was 50 books, and I ended up at 53. I added more Christian living books as well as several business/productivity books to…

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Have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

I hope you are enjoying this holiday season! As much as I adore Christmas, I can't ignore the fact my Facebook feed tugs my heart. Not everyone is happy and jolly right now, and that's okay.     You might be struggling. Health scares, job problems, relationship troubles, money issues, grief,…

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