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Game On: The Christian Parents' Sports Survival Guide

{Coming Soon} Game On

In April 2015, I sat down in a Panera with a coffee and ginormous triple-chocolate cookie. I was exhausted. But I knew it was time to start the project I couldn’t get off my mind.

As many of my ideas begin, this one started while I’d been trying to fall asleep. Two words had been seared in my brain.

Surviving Sports.

I’d been a sports mom for years at that point. If you’re not familiar with having kids in sports, it’s not all happiness and sunshine. Sure, it’s great having athletic kids, but the competitiveness and insecurities among parents can be contagious. I didn’t always like what the games did to me, and I often prayed for help. I wanted to be the calm mom, the one who brushed off bragging, politics, rough games and all the other anxiety-inducing elements of being a sports parent.

My prayers were answered, just not in the way I expected. When surviving sports flashed in my brain, I knew it was a book I needed to write. But how could I? I’m not an expert. I don’t write nonfiction. I write Christian romance novels! All I could think was I’m not qualified.

Back to the beginning of this post. Me. Panera. Coffee. Thousands of calories in that cookie. I had to answer this call. Had to write the book. I couldn’t drop everything and start writing, though. I had deadlines to meet. Instead, I decided to chip away at it even if only in ten minute increments stolen at odd times. I took a big bite of the cookie, created a new Google Doc and started to type on my phone’s teeny-tiny keypad.

Minutes turned into pages. Weeks went. The book grew. With each new section, another idea popped up. I found myself researching and gaining a better understanding of why I get so wrapped up in my children’s sports. Slowly, I changed. I couldn’t help it. As a Christian, I try to live my life according to Biblical principles, and one of them is raising my kids to be moral adults. I changed because my kids needed me to be a better role model, and I wanted to be one, too.

I still have my moments. I’m not perfect. Never will be. But I love being a sports mom, I love my kids, and I can keep the game in perspective. If you’re curious about the book, click on Game On for more information. I have a few spots open for digital advance review copies. Leave a comment or email me at jill(at)jillkemerer(dot)com if you’re interested.

Coming Soon!!


Game On: The Christian Parents' Sports Survival Guide



For years I couldn’t escape the anxiety that came with my children’s sports. The competitive atmosphere prevalent among parents often left me anxious, upset—even bitter. But all that changed when I defined why I wanted my kids playing. Instead of fretting about their performance, I saw opportunities for them to grow. Now I enjoy watching them play without letting politics, other parents, or my own unrealistic expectations get in the way.

Join me in exploring the realities of sports, the reasons parents get caught up in unhealthy competition, and strategies to keep the big picture in mind when we’re too close to the game. We can be composed and confident while our kids are in sports.


Game On: The Christian Parents’ Sports Survival Guide will be available in paperback and digital books online at major retailers in early April. And I’ll be hosting a Game On giveaway next month on my home page, so be sure to check back!

Do you have children or grandchildren in sports? What do they play?

Have a terrific weekend!



Jill Kemerer is a Publishers Weekly bestselling author of heartwarming, emotional, small-town romance novels often featuring cowboys. She hopes to encourage readers through her books the way so many books have encouraged her. Jill's essentials include coffee, caramels, a stack of books, her mini-doxie, and long walks outdoors. She resides in Ohio with her husband and two almost-grown children. For more information, visit her website,

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. This book is amazing!! I truly believe that every home should have this book and everyone should read it. Actually, every school and every team should have a copy of this book. 🙂 I am so proud of you for writing this message.

  2. Cannot wait to see this book in print! Everybody in sports needs to read this book! It puts things into perspective and gives strategies and tips on surviving sports.

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