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Writer’s Life: Varina Denman

Welcome to another edition of Writer's Life, my interview series with authors of sweet or inspirational romance. I'm so excited to have Varina Denman as my guest! I met Varina a few years ago at the ACFW conference. We, along with Jill Lynn, were finalists in the Genesis contest. Varina's…

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New Tricks and the Blog Tour Continues

I hope you enjoyed your Easter Sunday! We had a beautiful sunny day, and we're still eating leftover ham and snacking on Easter basket goodies. Rain moved in. I'm hoping this means our yellow grass turns green. I am SO ready for spring!   April is always hectic around here,…

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What Sin Is Too Big For God?

What Sin is Too Big For God?

I co-teach our church's preschool Sunday school class. The other teacher and I take turns, so we each lead the class about twice a month. I love it. Little children bring so much joy to the world! Last week, we talked about Peter's denial and how sad he was after…

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Cold Queries and Contests DO Pay Off

If you're a writer, you know how difficult it is to land an agent. And even with an agent, it's difficult to sell your books! I'm at The Writers Alley today sharing my experience. Yes, I signed with my agent after cold querying her. And, yes, I sold my debut…

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Today’s Blog Stops and Giveaways

My blog tour kicked off last week, and this week I'm hanging out at seven blogs! Pinching myself!! Today's stops: The fabulous Annette M. Irby invited my to share a few scene tips over at Seriously Write. Here's the link: "Is This Scene Necessary?" (Seriously Write) And prolific Christian romance…

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Revisiting Favorite Books

I remember when I fell in love with historical romance novels. My youngest had just turned one. My sister-in-law mentioned Jodi Thomas, and I decided to try one of her books. Oh, my! I was hooked! Most of Jodi's books at the time were set in Texas in the late…

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Random March Stuff


I lost track of time yesterday. I was reading my work-in-progress, taking notes on how to revise it based on the new direction it's taking, and the day ran away. It just trotted right away from me! Figuring out major revisions is always daunting, but I made it through. Phew!…

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Know Your Genre

Today I'm at Thoughts On Plot. I'm writing about why it's important to know the genre you write. For the full article, go to "Know Your Genre: Craft Tuesday." I'd love it if you stopped by and joined the conversation!

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