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If We Were Having Coffee Together

If you and I were having coffee together, my end of the conversation would include the following.       It's been a very rainy spring/summer for us. On the plus side, our grass is a gorgeous, lush green. On the negative side? It's also full of mushrooms. Yuck. :(…

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What Writers Really Want

What Writers Really Want

After the annual mayhem known as the end of the school year, I'm recovering from shell-shock. There comes a point where even one more packed lunch or sound of a too-early alarm puts me over the edge into scary territory. My brain knows I have a writing to-do list eleven miles…

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Plotting Ridiculousness!

If you tracked my brain process when plotting, it would look like one of those flight path maps--all over the place.  Since I'm plotting a book right now, I started trying on possible story directions. I couldn't narrow them down, so I figured, hey, I'll at least cast the actor…

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Writer’s Life: Carla Laureano

Welcome to another edition of Writer's Life, my interview series with authors of sweet or inspirational romance novels! Today we have a special treat. Carla Laureano, one of my fave authors, graciously agreed to answer the big questions. I recently read Five Days in Skye, and I'm still swooning. What…

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Writer’s Life: Julie Jarnagin

Writer's Life Julie Jarnigin

Welcome to another edition of Writer's Life, my interview series with authors of sweet or inspirational romance novels. I'm hooting and hollering today because Julie Jarnigin is my guest! Years ago, Julie and I met online, then we hit it off in person in 2012. She's witty, funny, and loves…

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