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Writer’s Life: Serena Chase

The Seahorse Legacy

Welcome to another edition of Writer's Life, my interview series with authors of sweet or inspirational romance. Today I have the pleasure of welcoming Serena Chase! Serena and I connected through her fabulous blog, Edgy Inspirational Romance. If you haven't checked out her Wednesday feature, "The Author's Casting Call," you…

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Odd Television Choices When Sick

I had a migraine this week. It was a doozy, one that had my head throbbing and my stomach churning. The nausea was so bad all I could do was lie on the couch and watch television with one eye open.     Here are some of the shows I…

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Writer’s Life: Lyn Cote

Lake, Lyn Cote

Welcome to another edition of Writer's Life, my interview series with authors of sweet or inspirational romance novels. Today I'm blessed to have Lyn Cote on the blog! Lyn is an award-winning, multi-published author of contemporary and historical romance, and she's also a generous writer who has helped many new authors…

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Weekend Plans?

It's the 4th of July weekend, and I'm excited about it. First of all, the forecast calls for NO rain. It's been a rainy, flooded mess here, so sunshine is something to celebrate. Second of all, there are a bajillion different fireworks' displays nearby. I love fireworks! Thirdly, I plan…

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Get Back on Track!

Last night I took a walk with my husband, and it hit me that I'd been off track with my health plan for a good week. It's crazy that it took me a week to even realize this!   I also set insanely high writing goals, ones I realistically knew…

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