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Writing Roundup: October 11

Writing Roundup October 11, 2017

    I've read several great blog posts about writing lately. I'm not always great about reading blogs, but when I do, I'm amazed at the timely content. I figured you'd be interested in them, too, so I'm sharing them here! Amy Green, fiction publicist at Bethany House Publishers, was…

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Pitch Prep #WW

Pitch Prep!

You know what season it is? Yes, football...duh. It's also conference season. Yay! Writers attending conferences usually sign up for pitch sessions. *Just got a shiver down my spine.* Pitch sessions are basically "here's my project, you're going to love it," sessions. Writers are trying to woo an agent or editor…

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Chance to Win 16 Books!

Boys of Summer Giveaway!

The Boys of Summer Giveaway begins today! Woohoo!! What does this  mean for you? Well, let me tell you... All you have to do is use the super easy entry form below! You'll automatically be entered. Simple, right? And if you are the winner, you'll get all sixteen books shown…

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Summer Reads: True To You by Becky Wade

True to You

Earlier this spring I downloaded a new novella by Becky Wade. Then Came You is written in a fun format--epistolary (no, I can't pronounce it!), which is all letters, journal entries, texts and phone calls--and I loved it! It's a prequel to Becky's new Bradford Sisters series. So when True to You,…

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