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What are Your September 2018 Goals?

Four more months--just four more months until 2019. Sobering, isn't it? I'm excited, though. It gives me plenty of time to work on new projects. All the fun holidays are coming up, too, so I'll be motivated to finish projects early. Now that my fall schedule is in place, I'll…

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Wyoming Christmas Quadruplets Giveaway

Wyoming Christmas Quadruplets Giveaway by Jill Kemerer

*Please stop back at 2pm EST to enter the giveaway!* It's giveaway time again! Yay!! I hope you had a lovely summer. Mine was busy writing! Nothing wrong with that. And I'm very excited for my upcoming release--Wyoming Christmas Quadruplets! This is book three in the Wyoming Cowboys series and follows…

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What Are Your August 2018 Goals?

August 2018 Goals -

It's that time again! It's been a busy summer, and I haven't been blogging much, but I LOVE seeing your goals! You all motivate me. I'll review my plan for last month, share how I did, then state my new goals! Please share yours in the comments. Jill's July 2018…

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What Are Your July 2018 Goals?

Jill Kemerer's July 2018 Goals

I hope you had a fun-filled first week of July! It's time to share our goals. I'll start it off by reviewing what my June goals were, how I did, and what I'm aiming for in July. Jill’s June 2018 Goals: Finish plotting three books and write short synopses for…

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Writing Links: Plotting, Rest and More

Writing Links: Plotting, Rest and more

It's been a tad busy here with summer baseball still going strong and a few deadlines I'm hurtling toward, so I'm keeping this short. Last Saturday at writer's group, we discussed various three-act plotting beat sheets. I thought you might enjoy them, too. Michael Hauge has a fantastic Structure Chart…

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Discussing Wonderbook: The Illustrated Guide to Creating Imaginative Fiction

Discussing Wonderbook,

I was at the library last week--shocking, I know--and came across a delightful book in the new nonfiction section. Wonderbook: The Illustrated Guide to Creating Imaginative Fiction by Jeff Vandermeer has an engaging, whimsical cover, and I had to pick it up. With stunning graphics, author essays, and entertaining chapter subheadings, Wonderbook was…

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What Are Your June 2018 Goals?

Jill Kemerer's June 2018 Goals!

June!! This year is flying by. It's time to check our progress and post new goals. Who's with me? First, I'll update you on how I did in May. Jill’s May 2018 Goals: Finish drafting the fourth Wyoming Cowboys book. Finalize all promo for Reunited with the Bull Rider. This means…

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What are Your May 2018 Goals?

Sharing May 2018 Goals!

Every month I share my new goals and let you know on how I did with my previous month's goals. Here's my update! Jill’s April 2018 Goals: Revise, polish and submit the proposal due later this month. Prep and speak at Researching the Romance symposium sponsored by BGSU’s Browne Pop…

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Reunited with the Bull Rider Giveaway!

Reunited with the Bull Rider Giveaway Package! May 2018

Twenty days! That's how long it will be until my seventh novel, Reunited with the Bull Rider, starts showing up on store shelves! WHEEE!!! To celebrate, I'm hosting a month-long giveaway. Here's what one blessed person will win: Autographed copy of Reunited with the Bull Rider (Wyoming Cowboys Book 2) Autographed copy…

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