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My Revision Process

Light wood desk background with laptop and pens. Text, "My Revision Process,"

If you spend any time searching for freelance editors, you'll see several different types of editing. Developmental edit, substantive edit, content edit, copy edit, line edit, proofread. It's enough to make your head spin! My revision process combines three of these options. As an author, it's not enough for me…

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Chipping Away at a First Draft

Coffee cup, sprig of orange-colored berries, blank paper and pen. Text "Chipping Away at a First Draft."

I'm currently chipping away at a first draft. It's a contracted Love Inspired book, and I love the story. The middle chapters aren't coming together smoothly for me, though, and I'm not writing as many words each day as I want to. That's okay. I'm used to this. I typically…

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Have a Merry Christmas!

cartoon christmas ornaments against cranberry-colored background. Text reads "Merry Christmas. Isaiah 9:6."

All week I've been writing and shopping and making lists and checking them twice. You know the drill. Christmas is almost here! In all the busy-ness, I'm forcing myself to take breaks and savor the season. I'm making time to read Luke again--a chapter each day (thanks to my church…

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A Simple Small Outing

Photo of wooden bridge with green leaves on trees behind. Text "A Simple, Small Outing"

Two weeks ago, it hit me that my days of being outside in a T-shirt and jeans were coming to an end for the year. Many of the items on my wish list for the summer were left undone. One of them was so minor, so simple, I was embarrassed…

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Writing Blues? Just Show Up

Cream background with photo of woman holding her head in her hands. Text: Writing Blues? Just show up.

When you have the writing blues, just show up to each writing session. Some books come to me so easily. I sit down and, before I know it, I've written an entire chapter. I love the characters, I know where the story is going, and best of all, I write…

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Plotting Blues? Try Something Different

Plotting Blues? Try Something Different Jill Kemerer

Last month I took a few days to flesh out my next novel and promptly got a case of the plotting blues. Almost eighteen months ago, I’d figured out the basic plot (it will be the sixth and final book in my Wyoming Ranchers series), but I knew I needed to develop it further before I can begin writing it.

Here’s the thing: I’ve been anticipating writing this book for a long time! I know the hero. I’m excited to write his story. But when it came time to flesh the story out? Nothing.

I prayed about it and relaxed. The story would come to me at some point. They always do. But in the meantime, I decided to try something different.

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One Healthy Choice can Completely Change Your Day

One Healthy Choice can Completely Change Your Day, Jill Kemerer

Has this ever happened to you? You wake up, moderately ready for the tasks ahead, but by the time you have your coffee and get ready, your motivation has dissolved to nothing? A feeling of dread creeps in, and excuses march through your mind. One healthy choice feels like too much work. What started as a decent day now seems impossible to get through.

Lately the birds singing outside my window wake me up before my alarm. Not every morning, mind you. But yesterday I woke up a full hour and a half before my alarm went off, and I could not get back to sleep.

I didn’t fret. Just got up, made some coffee, did my Bible study, and scrolled through my phone for a bit. I had my workout planned–a DVD in our basement–and I was already dressed for it. I just needed to put on my shoes and get my butt down there.

But did I get my butt down there? I think we all know the answer to that!

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