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What are Your October 2018 Goals?

What are your October 2018 goals? Jill Kemerer blog

October already? I feel like I blinked and missed September! And you know what that means--blink twice and Christmas will be here. We'll have to make the most of the days we have between now and 2019! How did your September go? Mine rocked. Buckle up! {Please share your progress and…

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What Are Your August 2018 Goals?

August 2018 Goals -

It's that time again! It's been a busy summer, and I haven't been blogging much, but I LOVE seeing your goals! You all motivate me. I'll review my plan for last month, share how I did, then state my new goals! Please share yours in the comments. Jill's July 2018…

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What Are Your June 2018 Goals?

Jill Kemerer's June 2018 Goals!

June!! This year is flying by. It's time to check our progress and post new goals. Who's with me? First, I'll update you on how I did in May. Jill’s May 2018 Goals: Finish drafting the fourth Wyoming Cowboys book. Finalize all promo for Reunited with the Bull Rider. This means…

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What are Your May 2018 Goals?

Sharing May 2018 Goals!

Every month I share my new goals and let you know on how I did with my previous month's goals. Here's my update! Jill’s April 2018 Goals: Revise, polish and submit the proposal due later this month. Prep and speak at Researching the Romance symposium sponsored by BGSU’s Browne Pop…

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What Are Your April 2018 Goals?

What Are Your April 2018 Goals? Jill Kemerer Blog

On the first Wednesday of each month, I share my monthly goals and encourage you to in the comments.  Sorry I'm a week late this month! Before I list my April 2018 goals, I’m reviewing last month’s progress. Last Month: Jill’s March 2018 Goals Start putting promo together for June release…

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Move More; Write More

Move More, Write More. Blog

For two months I've been letting my exercise goals slide. I haven't given up on them completely, but the 5-6 days a week turned into 2-3 days a week. I noticed other goals of mine flitting away as well. My side writing goals are not getting met, and you know…

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April Giveaway!

Game On Prize Package!

Game On: The Christian Parents' Sports Survival Guide officially releases April 4, and I'm hosting a month-long giveaway to celebrate. Game On is my first nonfiction book, and I'm praying it blesses parents like myself who spend a big chunk of time, money, and emotional support on their kids' sports. I figured…

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When You Can’t Focus

Two weeks ago I was pushing hard to meet my daily and weekly goals. I had a book due, and I needed every minute to finish it. I had a three-hour window on the weekend where I was in another town with nothing to do, so I decided to revise a…

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