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Ditzin’ It Up at the Post Office

I was not on my game yesterday. Maybe it was the muggy, 91 degree weather. Or recovering from a relaxing long weekend. I don't know, but I had several errands to run and I'm not sure where my head was at!     It started with the post office. I…

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A Peek into My Non-Writing Life

I'm vocal about my love of chocolate, obsession with coffee, my fun family and, yes, my dumb-dumb dog. It's no secret I love University of Michigan football and the television show, Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders: Making the Team. One thing I don't talk about much? My parents.   I visited them Thursday…

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Sneaky Ways to Write More and Other Updates

Sneaking words in...sounds covert and exciting and slightly dangerous! I'm sharing how I sneak more words in each day over at Seekerville! I'd love for you to stop by, plus there are two giveaways happening at Seekerville! Here's the link, "Sneaky Ways to Write More Each Day." I've added Part…

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Life Lessons and Final Day of Contests!

Did you have a good weekend? We did! My sweet in-laws stayed with us, we attended a few sporting events for our kids, had yummy food and nice weather. Can't ask for more than that!     This week kicks off the official release of Unexpected Family! I have an exciting…

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Is a Writing Shortcut Worth It?

I recently revised a proposal. This particular proposal had already been sent to a valued member of my writing team, who suggested I change a few plot details. I did, and then another person requested a different set of revisions. No problem!   Sure, I get nervous waiting for feedback on…

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Me? On Television? Yep!

It's been an exciting few weeks. The kids went back to school, we're getting used to homework and fall sports...and I was on TV yesterday! I know--I'm shocked, too! Toledo News Now, News, Weather, Sports, Toledo, OH   *If the above link doesn't work for you, try this one! Local…

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What Are Your Weekend Plans?

My kids went back to school yesterday. I could use two more weeks of summer, but we all survived. It's been beautiful weather--hot, but not too hot, temps with blue skies and sunshine. Adjusting to the earlier alarm will take time. A friend recently asked me my weekend plans, and…

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I’m a Craftie Lady!

It's been an exciting week. My new contemporary Christian romance, Unexpected Family, released in paperback yesterday! The digital book will be available September 1. I have a month-long giveaway going on if you'd like to enter. Just go to my Home page and scroll down for the details! Another development…

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