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My Fifth Novel Releases Today!

Hometown Hero's Redemption Prize Package!

Five novels! I can hardly believe it! Yep, today my fifth novel hits stores shelves. Hometown Hero's Redemption was a delight to write. At times I felt it wrote itself. It's the fifth and final installment in my Lake Endwell series. It doesn't feature the Sheffield siblings, but Drew Gannon is…

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Striving and Setbacks

Striving and Setbacks

This year I set some pretty high personal and professional goals. With all the striving came setbacks, and I thought I'd share a few with you. Granted, the year is still young, so who knows what the rest of 2017 will bring? I'm pushing hard for my goals no matter…

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April Giveaway!

Game On Prize Package!

Game On: The Christian Parents' Sports Survival Guide officially releases April 4, and I'm hosting a month-long giveaway to celebrate. Game On is my first nonfiction book, and I'm praying it blesses parents like myself who spend a big chunk of time, money, and emotional support on their kids' sports. I figured…

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Are You Picky About T-Shirts?

It's March, which means soon I'll be living in T-shirts again. For a few years I've struggled to find comfortable tees that fit me well and are reasonably priced. This means the majority of my tees have been worn out. They're destined for the trash bin.     If a…

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{Coming Soon} Game On

Game On: The Christian Parents' Sports Survival Guide

In April 2015, I sat down in a Panera with a coffee and ginormous triple-chocolate cookie. I was exhausted. But I knew it was time to start the project I couldn't get off my mind. As many of my ideas begin, this one started while I'd been trying to fall…

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Messy Desk {Writer Wednesday}

I've been quiet on the blog. Last week I was sick, and I'm playing catch-up. With all the tasks piling up, I've let my desk get VERY messy. *sigh* Here's a picture of my work space. I think it's funny my Bible promise book fell on top of the chaos…

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