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Writer’s Life: Lyn Cote

Lake, Lyn Cote

Welcome to another edition of Writer's Life, my interview series with authors of sweet or inspirational romance novels. Today I'm blessed to have Lyn Cote on the blog! Lyn is an award-winning, multi-published author of contemporary and historical romance, and she's also a generous writer who has helped many new authors…

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New Tricks and the Blog Tour Continues

I hope you enjoyed your Easter Sunday! We had a beautiful sunny day, and we're still eating leftover ham and snacking on Easter basket goodies. Rain moved in. I'm hoping this means our yellow grass turns green. I am SO ready for spring!   April is always hectic around here,…

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Cold Queries and Contests DO Pay Off

If you're a writer, you know how difficult it is to land an agent. And even with an agent, it's difficult to sell your books! I'm at The Writers Alley today sharing my experience. Yes, I signed with my agent after cold querying her. And, yes, I sold my debut…

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