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The Cowboy’s Easter Surprise Release Day!

Background of daisies in green grass. Cover of The Cowboy's Easter Surprise with little girl in cowboy hat holding bunny. Text "Release Day"

I'm so happy to announce I have another book in stores today! The Cowboy's Easter Surprise is the fifth book in my Wyoming Legacies series. Trent Lloyd is navigating his new life as temporary guardian for his three adorable nieces while managing Cade Moulten's new horse boarding center. Trent quickly realizes he…

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The Cowboy’s Christmas Treasures Release Day!

Red and white background with red and gold snowflakes. The Cowboy's Christmas Treasure book cover. Text, "In Stores Now! Release Day!"

Hooray! It's release day! I have a book in stores again! The Cowboy's Christmas Treasures is the fourth book in my Wyoming Legacies series. If you've read the other books, you'll recognize Brooke Dewitt and her identical twin girls, Alice and Megan, who are now toddlers. Dean McCaffrey comes to town…

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United by the Twins Release Day

Sky and mountain background. Cover of United by the Twins by Jill Kemerer. Text "Release Day, In Stores Now,"

Release day! Woohoo!! I'm so excited! It's the UNITED BY THE TWINS release day! I love this book. I've been waiting to write about Reagan Mayer (you might remember her from my previous series, Wyoming Ranchers) since I wrote A Cowboy to Rely On (featuring Jet Mayer). Reagan is such a special…

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Free Online Christmas Story!!

The Christmas Cowboy Next Door Free Online Read by Jill Kemerer

My free online Christmas story, The Christmas Cowboy Next Door, launches today! Hooray!! This story is part of Harlequin's 12 Days of Christmas Author Takeover--and it's available exclusively at Chapter One releases today. There are four chapters total, and a new one will release each day until the story…

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Release Day! The Cowboy’s Christmas Compromise

Sky blue background with snowflake illustrations. Three photos. Christmas tree, cover for The Cowboy's Christmas Compromise, a couple opening a present. Text, "The Cowboy's Christmas Compromise Release Day! In stores now."

It's the most wonderful time of the year...when my Christmas book releases! I'm super excited about this one. The Cowboy's Christmas Compromise is the first book in my Wyoming Legacies series. This inspirational romance follows Erica (Mayer) Black--Jet and Blaine's sister from the Wyoming Ranchers series--as she grapples with resentment from her…

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Release Day! The Cowboy’s Little Secret

Text: Release Day. Cover of The Cowboy's Little Secret. Background is ranch with barn, blue skies, mountains. Text:

The Cowboy's Little Secret is in stores now! It's here! It's release day for The Cowboy's Little Secret! This is the final book in my Wyoming Ranchers series. It's always exciting to see the completion of a series--but it's sad, too. I'll miss these characters! Since I waited a long…

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New Release Recommendations!

New Release Recommendations, jill kemerer,

When you have three friends (who also happen to be three of your favorite authors) with new releases at the same time, what do you do? You tell everyone to go buy their books! I’m so excited to read these stories, and I know you’re going to love them, too!

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Depending on the Cowboy Release Day!

Depending on the Cowboy Release Day., Jill Kemerer. Wyoming Ranchers book 4. February 2023. Love Inspired Books

The holidays are over. January is zooming by. You’re in the mood to read, but what? Well, I can help with that. The fourth book in my Wyoming Ranchers series, Depending on the Cowboy, releases today! Yeehaw!

So here’s a little info about the book. Blaine Mayer recently took over half of the family ranch and is nervous about doing things right. His older brother Jet (from A Cowboy to Rely On) has been in charge for several years. Blaine’s always felt like he’s a step behind Jet. Plus, the dry weather conditions have him and all his ranching buddies concerned about how they’ll feed the cattle in the upcoming winter.

To further disrupt Blaine’s world, his high school crush, Sienna Powell is staying in the nearby cabin with her teen niece and nephew–just for the summer–to help his mother and sister with their candle company. Sienna is recently divorced…and very pregnant.

She’s also easy to talk to. Quiet Blaine understands her concerns about her niece and nephew (their separated parents are trying to reconcile), so together, he and Sienna do their best to make the summer fun for the kids. And in the meantime, old sparks start to fly. But they both have baggage not easy to leave behind. They’ll have to trust God’s plan for their lives in order to have a future together.

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Release Day! Guarding His Secret

Release Day Guarding His Secret by Jill Kemerer
Not only is summer almost here, but I have a new book out! Woohoo!!

GUARDING HIS SECRET is book 3 in my Wyoming Ranchers series, and it’s also the sixth book in Love Inspired’s K-9 Companion series. I’m super excited about this book!

Randy and Hannah have been friends for years. When his brother has to leave town due to an emergency, Randy asks Hannah to run his store while he takes care of the family ranch. But his brother returns with a secret baby, throwing all their lives into chaos. Add a rambunctious puppy and a retired service dog who seems to see right through Randy’s own secrets, and it will be a summer to remember!

Check out this short book trailer for GUARDING HIS SECRET:
Release Day! Guarding His Secret Trailer
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