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Eighteen Years Ago…


I didn't intend to end my summer blogging hiatus on 9/11, but I did. Sometimes it feels like forever ago, but my memories are still as fresh as if it happened last week. My heart is always heavy when I remember. But it's important to honor the victims, the heroes,…

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Happy Fourth of July!!

I'm keeping it quiet here this summer to focus on my writing and family, but I wanted to pop in and wish you all a happy summer and, for my American friends, Happy 4th of July! Happy summer!

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May 2019 Goals!

April was a doozy! Wow, it was busy. And cold. And rainy. But who cares? Because May is here and I really hope it brings much warmer weather! I have a lot of goals this month. Do you have anything you'd like to finish before summer unofficially arrives? Let's get…

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His Wyoming Baby Blessing Releases Today!

His Wyoming Baby Blessing Releases Today

The fourth, and final (*sob*) Wyoming Cowboys book is hitting store shelves today! I love this book. Wade and Kit burrowed right into my heart. Their story touched me, and I hope it touches you, too. She’s pregnant on his doorstep… Saddle up for this Wyoming Cowboys novel When his childhood…

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April 2019 Goals!

April 2019 Goals! Jill Kemerer

Spring is almost here! Northern Ohio is notoriously fickle with weather throughout April. We might have a sixty-degree day, or we might have snow. You never know! But the promise of warmer weather is here, and soon we'll see yellow daffodils, bright tulips, and flowers on the trees. I'm excited!…

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Why Our Characters Must Fail

Why Our Characters Must Fail by Jill Kemerer

This post was originally published on November 28, 2011 at I recently read a novel but struggled to get into the story. Each time I put it down, I had no desire to pick it back up. Tempted to stop reading, I decided to forge ahead and figure out…

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Digital Minimalism by Cal Newport

I've been eagerly anticipating Cal Newport's new book--Digital Minimalism: Choosing a Focused Life in a Noisy World. I finished reading it over the weekend, and it lived up to my expectations. Learn more about DIGITAL MINIMALISM at Basically, the book underscored what I already know to be true--social media,…

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What Are Your March 2019 Goals?

March Goals 2019 Jill Kemerer #ww

March is here! Does this mean spring is coming soon? I hope so! It regularly snows here through mid-April, so I won't hold my breath! In the meantime, I've been busy writing. Let's review and set goals. Jill’s February 2019 Goals Revise and submit Wyoming Twins Christmas ReunionPromote A Meddled MatchHealth: Track…

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A Meddled Match Releases Today!

10 Weeks of Romance Giveaway! Jill Kemerer A Meddled Match

It's here! Today the RESORT TO ROMANCE SERIES launches, and I'm so excited! About a year ago, Jessica R. Patch and I were joking around on the Voxer app, and we started throwing out silly ideas for a multi-author series. We weren't planning on creating one--we were just having fun…

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