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Do You Write in the Summer? Writer Wednesday
I’m always fascinated by other writers’ processes. Where they write. How much they write. Any weird rituals they have when writing. So today we’re talking about summer and writing. One question I’m often asked is if I write in the summer.

Yes, I write in the summer. After an extremely busy winter and spring, I considered taking off the entire month of July to just chill, read, and putter. But I’ve been blessed with a writing opportunity that needs a fairly quick turn around, and I have a neglected project I want to bring back to life. This means I will be writing most of July.
We had a little stay-cation last week. I relaxed, read and got caught up on chores, but this week I’m back in my office and loving it! Even a week off can be a huge benefit for my creative side.
My summer hours are similar to my winter hours. I do sleep an extra hour in the summer. This makes me extremely happy since I’m not a morning person! My day begins with Bible reading, my prayer journal, and coffee. Lots of coffee. Then I either exercise or go upstairs to my office and get to work. I spend most of the day writing, revising or plotting, depending on the project. It works for me!
Here are a few of my writing essentials lately.
- 32 ounce souvenir cup of ice water. Usually a University of Michigan cup or a Toledo Mudhens cup. I’m fancy like that.
- Best of Air Supply CD borrowed from the library. Come on and sing along with me, “I’m all out of love, I’m so lost without you…”
- My Happy Planner!! Yes, it really does make me happy! I love that each day is divided into three sections. I use the top for my work To-Do list, the middle for Home stuff, and the bottom to track my healthy habits. Perfect!
And on that note, here is some Air Supply for you. You’re welcome. 🙂
Congratulations Judy Jordan for winning the 2 Great Books by 2 Great Authors giveaway! Thank you to everyone who entered!
So ‘fess up. Do you write in the summer?
Have a great day!
1. Because I have no children at home.(He’s grown and on his own.) I can write in the summer.
2.) Because I contribute to an online site each week. I have to write during the summer.
3.) Because of the way my mind works, if I were to take time off, I would have a hard time getting back to the task of writing.
The only time I was not writing for the online site or my blog was when I was in the rehab center last fall (end of Sept. through the end of Dec,) I did manage to write a little bit. I also was able to assist the gentleman at church who directed the Christmas play, part of which I had written prior to my accident.
You inspire me, Cecelia! My children are older, so I’m able to write, too! It’s great!