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Back to School Supplies! Writer Wednesday

My kids go back to school in a few days.  We have two freshmen–high school and college! Yes, I’ve hit “mom” mode where my brain spins with one part practicality (notebooks, parking pass, pens), one part relief (I get the whole house to myself to write again), one part dread (the alarm clock and I WILL battle), and several parts irrational fears (will they have friends, find their classes? And will they please stop growing up???).


School Supplies 1


The one bright spot in this for me (besides being proud that they are maturing into lovely adults and all that jazz) is the back-to-school supplies! I love them! I dragged/forced my son to a superstore to shop last week, and my soul lit like the Rockefeller Center at Christmas when I saw fifteen cent notebooks, cheap index cards, thirty-packs of pens, highlighters, binders–yippee!!

School supplies 3


Did my kids need eighty dollars worth of papers and pens? No. Did I? Yes. It’s all stacked and ready to go in my office closet. I go through a LOT of index cards, cheap notebooks and pens during the year!

School supplies 2


If you’re a writer, I highly recommend plunking down some cash to stockpile office supplies in August. I’d much rather spend fifteen cents on a notebook now than a dollar for the same one in three months. Ditto with pens! Full disclosure: my family tends to steal my pens. Every writing tool I own then disappears into the ether. I don’t even know what that means, but it happens. For real.

Do you buy school supplies for yourself? What is always on your “buy” list?

Have a terrific day!


Jill Kemerer is a Publishers Weekly bestselling author of heartwarming, emotional, small-town romance novels often featuring cowboys. She hopes to encourage readers through her books the way so many books have encouraged her. Jill's essentials include coffee, caramels, a stack of books, her mini-doxie, and long walks outdoors. She resides in Ohio with her husband and two almost-grown children. For more information, visit her website,

This Post Has 8 Comments

  1. I love buying school supplies for myself as well! I love 15 cent notebooks. And index cards. And highlighters. But then my family knows where to go when they need something lol. Now I need to go shopping because I haven’t bought any yet. Loose leaf paper used to be my one must buy item. Now it’s cheap notebooks for all those book notes!

  2. I’ve avoided school shopping with my high schooler, but you’ve reminded me to pick up some notecards for me. I should probably get some printer ink, too…

  3. Cheap notebooks, pens and post-its are the must-haves for me. I don’t usually use note cards because I misplace them. A hot pink post it stuck to the wall through gets my attention. 🙂

    I have a high school sophomore this year and we’re waiting to see what else she needs. She goes back Friday (YIPEE!!)

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