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3 Scoops of Life vol 5


I can’t believe we’re almost halfway through 2023. How did that happen?? Wow!

So what is 3 Scoops of Life? It’s my monthly series where I simply highlight three good things in my life.

  • One is professional.
  • One is personal.
  • One is an encouragement.

Scoop 1: Professional

I’ve been busy–what’s new?–and when I’m busy, I have a nasty habit of letting my routine fall apart. Not this year, my friends.

The first thing to go is always my healthy eating habits.

The second thing to go is my block schedule.

The third thing? My weekly Idea Time, where I leave the house with a notebook and spend an hour or two playing around with ideas.

In January, I told myself Idea Time was non-negotiable. It was happening every week. Period.

So far, I’ve lived up to this, and there have been plenty of times I’ve been tempted to skip it. I don’t want to skip it. I cave to this weird part of myself that thinks anything not producing results this minute isn’t being productive. But what I’ve realized after keeping this weekly date with myself is that Idea Hour allows me to be far more productive than I am when I skip it.

How so? Well, it’s time carved out to think about upcoming stories. It’s working out plot issues weeks before I’ll even write the synopsis for the book. It’s also a time for me to reflect on what’s going well and what’s bothering me. This helps me make adjustments moving forward.

So my professional good scoop is honoring my non-negotiables.

Scoop 2: Personal

I read four novels in the past two weeks. That felt really good! I’m also on track to finish a tough workout challenge by July 1. And since I want to walk more, but I don’t have a FitBit or Apple Watch–and I don’t want them!!–I decided to buy an inexpensive pedometer. It clips to my clothes. I like that it converts my steps into miles. Just what I wanted!

We have a few family gatherings to look forward to in the upcoming weeks, including a wedding. I love weddings! Should be fun.

Scoop 3: Encouragement

What is the first thing to go when you get busy? Are you like me and decide the weekly appointment (for me it’s my Idea Time, but for you it could be book club) just won’t fit in your schedule? Make it non-negotiable.

We aren’t robots. Yes, we get busy and overwhelmed, but we need the things we look forward to even more when we’re busy. Make room for the good stuff. You won’t regret it!

What good things are happening in your life? I’d love to hear them!

Catch the previous volume, “3 Scoops of Life vol. 4” here!


Jill Kemerer is a Publishers Weekly bestselling author of heartwarming, emotional, small-town romance novels often featuring cowboys. She hopes to encourage readers through her books the way so many books have encouraged her. Jill's essentials include coffee, caramels, a stack of books, her mini-doxie, and long walks outdoors. She resides in Ohio with her husband and two almost-grown children. For more information, visit her website,

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Hi Jill,
    Happy summer!😎
    Claire gets married on Friday to her MLS sweetheart. Talk about busy!! But such a beautiful time filled with precious memories.

  2. Awesome! Thanks for sharing your June 3 scoops.

    I like the non-negotiables. Thanks for sharing the behind the scenes. The Idea Time is super cool. As creatives we need time to think and create.

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