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Year in Review 2022, Jill Kemerer,

Year in Review 2022

It’s that time again…a fresh start. A season to hunker down and begin to tackle all those lovely goals we have in mind for 2023. But first, I like to review the previous year. It helps me see what I did right and what I want to do differently.

Year in Review Business Numbers

Books released: Four (4)

New words written: 232,000

Words reworked from older book: 83,000

Total Words: 315,000

Year in Review Personal Numbers

Workouts: 224

Books Read: 68

Year in Review Wins

  • Met all of my writing deadlines early.
  • Wrote 40,000 words of nonfiction project thirty minutes at a time.
  • Reworked a trade-length novel.
  • Plotted (6) books for a new Love Inspired series and was offered a contract on all six!
  • Sent a newsletter at least once per month.
  • Streamlined time-consuming tasks like making/posting graphics for social media, sending out advance review copies, setting up giveaways, etc…

Year in Review Fails/Not-Wins

  • Nonfiction project stalled once the draft was written.
  • Still haven’t submitted the reworked trade length book to my agent.
  • Paused my weekly idea hour for several months (and I miss it!!).
  • Marketing/promotion projects remain unfinished.
  • Continue to move promotion to low priority status when I shouldn’t.

    Overall 2022 was a tremendous year, and I’m thrilled with the fact I stuck to my plan. Scheduling writing time, workouts, and minimum 15 minutes/weekday reading really played a huge factor in my success.

    As for 2023, I’m keeping what works–the writing schedule, workouts and minimum 15 minute reading time–and I’m making my weekly idea hour mandatory, scheduling weekly promotion time and committing to publishing my nonfiction project.

    Do you do an annual roundup of the previous year? If yes, how did you do? Anything you want to do differently this year? What do you want to continue doing?

    I’d love to hear your thoughts!

    Happy New Year!!


    Jill Kemerer is a Publishers Weekly bestselling author of heartwarming, emotional, small-town romance novels often featuring cowboys. She hopes to encourage readers through her books the way so many books have encouraged her. Jill's essentials include coffee, caramels, a stack of books, her mini-doxie, and long walks outdoors. She resides in Ohio with her husband and two almost-grown children. For more information, visit her website,

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