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Jill Kemerer's June 2018 Goals!

What Are Your June 2018 Goals?

June!! This year is flying by. It’s time to check our progress and post new goals. Who’s with me?

First, I’ll update you on how I did in May.

Jill’s May 2018 Goals:

  • Finish drafting the fourth Wyoming Cowboys book.
  • Finalize all promo for Reunited with the Bull Rider. This means writing guest posts, creating graphics, contacting media, etc…
  • Begin plotting new series.
  • Health: Exercise 4-5 days/week AND stay at low end of calorie range to lose a few pounds.



  • Finish drafting the fourth Wyoming Cowboys book–yes! I squeezed it out a week later than I’d hoped, but I did complete it in May. Check!
  • Finalize promo–almost. I put some of my graphics and posts together the first week of June, but it all got done. Not quite check.
  • Begin plotting new series. Nope. A meeting was scheduled for early June which might have impacted the plot directions, so I decided to wait until after the meeting to plot. No check!
  • Health. Total fail. TOTAL FAIL!! Not only did I completely drop the ball exercising, I stopped tracking calories too. Ugh. NO CHECK!! 

Jill’s June 2018 Goals:

Although May looks like a lot of “no checks,” I regrouped and am mentally back in the game. That’s the key to goals–when you don’t meet them, you move forward. It’s okay to have setbacks. Just get back in it!

  • Finish plotting three books and write short synopses for each.
  • Write sample chapters for book one.
  • Health–exercise 4-5 days/week, track calories using MyFitnessPal app and stay within calorie range.

That’s it!

How did YOU do last month?

What are your June goals?

Thanks for joining me on this journey!


Jill Kemerer is a Publishers Weekly bestselling author of heartwarming, emotional, small-town romance novels often featuring cowboys. She hopes to encourage readers through her books the way so many books have encouraged her. Jill's essentials include coffee, caramels, a stack of books, her mini-doxie, and long walks outdoors. She resides in Ohio with her husband and two almost-grown children. For more information, visit her website,

Comments (8)

  1. Jill, I did–okay. Finished the sequel to my first contracted book, so when they ask for it, I’ll be ready. It’s been in the works ever since I finished my FIRST book, so that wasn’t as hard as it sounds.
    Did okay on health. While I didn’t go off the diabetic rails, I didn’t eat as healthy as I wanted to. But I increased my daily walk from one block to two. One is maintenance, two is a workout. I set a goal of 10 two-block walks and promised myself a reward. Probably shoes. Made my 10 early this week and starting on the next 10.
    One of my June goals was to edit and rewrite another story, just got word it finaled in a contest and I have a chance to revise according to judges’ comments, so that’s an automatic goal and jibed with my first goal.
    Another of my June goals is to work on blogs and get some stockpiled for guest blogging. I worked on those the other day when I was stumped on something in the fiction writing, and am amassing a nice collection.
    My other goals were to write some reviews, work on another series I have and update my Web site. I don’t know if these will happen or not, they have to happen AFTER revising the contest final, but if they do they do. I’m pleased with what I’ve done so far.
    Thanks Jill for keeping us on track and nice to see you in Seekerville the other day.
    Nice job on “Bull Rider.”
    Kathy Bailey

  2. Jill, I love your attitude of getting back in the game. You can do this!

    1. Reading – 8 books
    Yep! Got 12, actually.
    2. Writing – flesh out new horse movie idea; do 100 pages of work on boxing-amnesia story; 1 short story
    Mostly nope. I wrote 1 short story and pitched it. It wasn’t chosen, but I met a new professional friend.
    3. Fitness – 3 5-min. stepper sessions per week
    Sort of. I got it fit in for two weeks. I’m jumping back in on it this week, though.

    I’m focusing on reading this month, as I have several reading challenge books due by the end of the month. I’ll be getting back to writing next month for Camp NaNoWriMo.
    Reading: 8 books.
    Stepper: 2-3 times per week.

    1. Ooh, you slam-dunked the reading goal, Andrea! Nice job! Congrats on pitching and meeting new friends! A lot of the chances we take don’t pan out the way we hoped, but they’re always worth trying!

      1. Jill, thank you for your encouragement! That’s an important aspect of this writing gig too. 🙂

  3. I am happy with meeting most of my May goals. However, the weight loss goal is still giving me trouble. 🙂 Still working on that. For June, I am writing my blog posts, guest blog posts, writing 3 stories and have joined Camp NaNoWriMo for the first time. 🙂

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