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Reunited with the Bull Rider Giveaway Package! May 2018

Reunited with the Bull Rider Giveaway!

Twenty days! That’s how long it will be until my seventh novel, Reunited with the Bull Rider, starts showing up on store shelves! WHEEE!!!

To celebrate, I’m hosting a month-long giveaway. Here’s what one blessed person will win:

  • Autographed copy of Reunited with the Bull Rider (Wyoming Cowboys Book 2)
  • Autographed copy of The Rancher’s Mistletoe Bride (Wyoming Cowboys Book 1)
  • Set of two inspirational dishtowels
  • Adorable notebook
  • Tin of toffee candies
The giveaway runs from May 2, 2018 at 6:00 am EST to June 1, 2018 at 9:00 pm EST. US only. 18+. See complete rules on the entry form.




Here’s a bit about the book:


Reunited with the Bull Rider. Wyoming Cowboys Book 2 by Jill Kemerer. June 2018

Goodbye rodeo, hello hometown. But is this Wyoming Cowboy ready to face his past?

Amy Deerson wanted to mentor a child. Her plan did not include former bull rider Nash Bolton—the little girl’s brother and guardian. It’s been a decade since Nash left town without a word, breaking Amy’s young heart. Now they must put their painful past aside to help fragile, traumatized Ruby. If only getting over their first love were that simple.

Preorder today!


I loved writing this book. Full confession: I cried many times while I wrote and revised it. Amy, Nash, and little Ruby stole my heart, and I’m so thankful I was able to write their story. Amy runs a successful quilt shop, Nash just retired from the professional bull riding circuit, and Ruby has been severely neglected. Oh, and by the way, Nash broke Amy’s heart years ago. You’ll have to read it to find out how it all plays out, but every time I think of it, I smile!

What is making YOU happy this month?

Thanks for stopping by!


Jill Kemerer is a Publishers Weekly bestselling author of heartwarming, emotional, small-town romance novels often featuring cowboys. She hopes to encourage readers through her books the way so many books have encouraged her. Jill's essentials include coffee, caramels, a stack of books, her mini-doxie, and long walks outdoors. She resides in Ohio with her husband and two almost-grown children. For more information, visit her website,

This Post Has 170 Comments

  1. I can’t wait to read the book. This month makes me happy because of all the beautiful blooms in my yard. And the many books I will be reading.

  2. I love reading inspirational, clean romance books and can’t wait to read this one. My granddaughters make me happy, especially since they both love the Lord and live for Him.

  3. May is such a beautiful weather month! My favorite part is it’s my first grandson’s birth month! Thanks!

  4. I am happy to see lots of Spring weather! Blubonnets are fading but lots of pretty flowers are here. I love that!

  5. thank you for such a generous give a way. just so you know the pin in the rafflecopter is for a different give a way. not sure if you want us to go ahead and use that pin or not. I have not read any of your books and i would love to try. i love sweet clean westerns.

  6. It looks like spring has sprung, so that makes me happy! Warmer, sunnier weather. Thanks for the opportunity to win such a lovely prize package.

  7. Jill, the stories that break the author’s heart are the best at connecting with readers. I am on draft three of one that makes me weep in several spots every time I work on it. What’s making me happy this week? That I’ve moved on to draft three on that particular project, which is the dearest one to my heart that I’ve ever conjured up.

    Happy writing!

  8. The lovely month of May! We’ve had beautiful weather here in Alabama the last few days. My granddaughter and I both have May birthdays. She was actually born on Mother’s Day in 2010!

  9. To receive these items would be like Christmas morning. We are all celebrating with you. Have a blessed day.

  10. We are celebrating my father’s name and service dates being placed on a War Memorial.

  11. Things that are making me happy this month: warmer weather, reading great books, and looking forward to my son coming in mid month.
    The book sounds great. I now have another one to add to my extensive “want to read” list!

  12. I absolutely cannot wait to read this book!
    This month, a couple of things are making me happy…. My oldest is graduating high school and the rest of my kids get out of school for the summer (no more homework, just fun family time!).

    1. Oh, wow, Tiffany! Congrats on getting one through high school! It’s a busy, busy time. I’m so glad you’ll have the summer with your family!

  13. Love the cover and love these Love Ispired Books. Congratulations on your seventh release and may you have many more. Thanks for your very generous giveaway.

  14. Jill, I love a reunion romance. One of mine (and my first sale) is a reunion AND “secret baby.” Love the concept that there is always room for second chances.
    Tried to get on the entry form site for the drawing but could not get on, will try again later.
    Working on my goals for May; so far, nothing to brag about, but at least I’m aware of what I’m NOT accomplishing.
    Kathy Bailey

    1. Aww, that’s so cool your first sale was a reunion and secret baby story! I love reading them! Sorry the form wasn’t working for you. I’m not sure why that happens sometimes.

  15. Today i am so happy that I can read my Bible with some hot tea. That the sun is shining and spring has finally sprung. This month, I am happy that I am able to spend time with my dad every other day. He is in a nursing home dying of prostrate cancer and failed kidneys.We are all assured of his final destination, so that is not an issue, it is just tough while here on earth. But good news, he will be joining my mom after 6 years.

    1. Bible and hot tea are just the thing, Lori. I’m really sorry about your dad. My dad spent the final four years of his life in a nursing home, and it’s hard. He’s in heaven now. What a joy to know your dad will be joining your dear mother. I know it will be hard on you, though.

  16. Today is Friday, I am happy for that. I am happy today what for what it says in Romans 6:14 “For sin shall no longer be your master, because you are not under the law, but under grace.” Talk about hope 🙂

  17. I’m happy that the weather has turned nicer so we can ride in our Mustang convertible! 🙂

  18. today I am happy because I went to see my dad in the nursing home and he is doing much better. It is so good to hear him laugh and joke again.

  19. I love this cover. Today I am happy for the time we as family spent with my dad for a birthday party. We have started attending another church in February and are both now serving. We really love this new church. I am happy that today the church had a volunteer appreciation breakfast and we got to talk with other volunteers, giving us a chance to meet other people in the church. Great morning for new beginnings.

  20. this sounds like a wonderful book. I know mentoring someone can have its difficult times and happy times and other times where I am totally lost as to how to help. And then there have been a few times where I just left crying. Anonymity here. It is not always an easy thing but is always worthwhile. I would love to read this book. I love the cover.

  21. what is making me happy this month? we have started going to a new church and we absolutely love it. I love the teaching and the fellowship. we have started volunteering (my husband in the tech booth at the back of the auditorium and me with meals on wheels and making cards for those in need, new baby sympathy etc) I am so happy to be a part of this church and look forward to getting to know others more.

  22. Another beautiful day in Iowa! Sun is shining, birds are singing, a soft breeze is blowing…

  23. The book makes me feel warm & cozy inside, it sound like a terrific read. Thanks for your generosity.

  24. today i am happy for the sunshine and the rain from last night.. everything looks so fresh and pretty. green and flowers. we have new bunnies next door, they are so adorable. I love to watch Gods creation unfold before us.

  25. happy Wednesday. today i am happy for the sunshine and the rain from last night.. everything looks so fresh and pretty. green and flowers. we have new bunnies next door, they are so adorable. I love to watch Gods creation unfold before us.

  26. Jill, this book looks like another winner! This giveaway looks super yummy. You like all the things I do sista!!

  27. This book looks like one that would leave me with a happy, warm feeling. Those are my favorites!

  28. this is such a wonderful cover. it has a horse and a baby, woohoo how can you go wrong with that? today i am happy that i slept good last night and am ready to tackle the day.

  29. today i spent all morning and most of the afternoon with my dad in the nursing home. today mentally he was lucid for the most part. woohoo. also i got some lovely yellow roses and carnations from my daughter in CA

  30. just like the wonderful cover, i hope you have a wonderful weekend and a Happy Mothers day.

  31. I am just happy to be alive and healthy. I will be going to Chicago this month to discuss how we can help African American women with Triple Negative Breast Cancer participate in clinical trials.

  32. today i am happy because my son and daughter in law got a rescue grey hound. she is 7 yrs old and very laid back and loves to sleep on the couch. they showed me a picture and she is a light brindle. I get to go over today and meet her. for me this would be a grand dog because she does not intend on having children. so from my sons house i have 1 grand dog, 1 grand kitty, 2 grand horses and 2 grand snakes . LOL life is fun

  33. I am so happy for sunshine today after the last few days with clouds and rain.
    I am happy to be visiting my dad today in the nursing home.
    I am happy for the verse Philippians 1:27 “Whatever happens, conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Jesus Christ”

  34. We are enjoying 90 degrees lately — but rain is coming in from the gulf

    This cover is beautiful.

  35. We go a nice rain this morning. I am grateful for that because it reminds me of God’s promises and how he makes us clean. I am also thankful today that our dog sitting has gone well. Our son and daughter in law will be picking up Tora (greyhound ) tonight. But I am most grateful that our cat who has not had to share his house with other animals for 10 years has done so well. Tora was dropped off Friday morning, has ignored the cat and this morning while Tora was laying on the floor, our cat got close enough to sniff her nose. WOW. Have a wonderful Sunday

  36. I love this cover. It makes me happy just looking at it. It portrays family. And it has a horse, woohoo.
    We are getting a deluge of rain today. But everything is so green and pretty. It will keep me in the house today. I am happy that I can finish my baby quilt for my great nephew. Today I am also happy that I woke up with less aches and pains.

  37. well we have been at the hospital with my mother in law. she has had two seizures, this is a first for her. I am grateful that we have such a wonderful hospital near by. the doctors are great and the nurses are so compassionate and caring.

  38. This sounds very good and a new Author for me, thanks for the review, love the cover too

  39. Looking forward to this one, Jill. I mean, Nash isn’t a Romine, but…..
    My oldest just got his masters degree this month. I am so proud of him! That makes me happy!

  40. Today I am happy that the sun is shining. I am happy about the verse: Romans 15:13 “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” This is a good one this week. My mother in law is still undergoing tests. My father is now home and doing surprisingly well on a walker. God is so good.

  41. Jill, your books sound very good. Seems like something I’d like to read. Since I’m handicapped going to the library is a rare occasion. So I read what I can get free for kindle or any other books I can get cheaply.

    1. Linda, I’m sorry it’s difficult for you to get out. Our library has ebooks I can order off the internet. I wonder if yours does, too. It might be worth looking into!

  42. wow for you as the author to have cried many times while writing it, it must be emotional. I would love to read this book.
    today i am so happy that my mother in law will be released from the hospital Friday. She will be going to a rehab place for a short while. all the tests she took in the hospital came back negative. but they did give her a medicine to take care of the seizures. The doctor did say that she is at the beginning of dementia. but being 84 yrs old the doctor said is understandable. Jill I thank you for your prayers.

  43. Today I am so happy that we can move my mother in law to a rehab place for a short time. Even though the physical therapist in the hospital says she really doesn’t need it. But medicare requires it. After talking about we (the kids) have decided that it is a good idea anyway. Even though she is walking normally and acting normal. Praise the Lord

  44. today i am happy for the sunshine, even though it is 92 out. I am happy that i was able to wake up this morning and praise the Lord. I have talked to my daughter in law who trains horses and trains students to ride English. She has said that yes horses can be good for rehabilitation in certain instances. I see what being around horses’ does for her and our son. I am happy that they have the horses to ride and share. Hope you and yours have a fabulous weekend.

  45. I am so happy today. We went and visited my mother in law in the rehab facility. Her physical therapy and occupational therapy are coming along so well. She is walking by herself with no problem, she is thinking so much better now. The social worker had a meeting with my mother in law, my husband (care giver in the will) and I. She was so impressed with my MIL that she is saying that she may be going back to her independent living home in about 4-5 days. Praise the Lord.

  46. Happy Monday. Today I am happy for the sunshine and time to spend with family. This book is on my TBR list. Hope you all have a safe and happy Memorial Day

  47. I love the idea of this book. When we help others in the name of Jesus, we tend to not only help others, but help ourselves also. God knew what he was doing when we do this. YAHH
    Today I am happy that friends and family had a safe and fun weekend. Today I am happy that I will finish another baby quilt for a great nephew.

  48. ohh a cowboy, yes, and a girl that runs a quilt shop, yes. I grew up on a ranch, and i love cowboys and I quilt. I have seen great, successful shops and not so great shops. I would love to read this book. Happy Wednesday. Today I am happy that I can praise the Lord in my own home how I wish. I am happy that I can see so I can read the Bible.

  49. Today I’m happy because one of my favorite action movies is on Hulu and we watched it last night. We used to own a copy on VHS but never replaced it so it’s been a while since we’ve seen it.

  50. Today I am happy. My cousins daughter is getting married in August. I just received an invitation. We live in Illinois and she lives in Tennessee. So we don’t get to see each other much. We will be spending some time over there with my cousin. I was the first daughter born from the two brothers, my dad and his brother. My uncles name was Lourn and if I was a boy that would have been my name. But since I was a girl my name became Lournetta. I love my name. Another thing I am happy about.

  51. Today I’m happy because I only have 4 more rows left on the doll afghan I’m making for my 6 year old.

  52. Woohoo, I am happy today that my mother in law will be coming home from the rehab place. It was a wonderful place, but she is super glad to be home. Actually she had breakfast at 7 am today and went back to back her few belongings. My husband went and picked her up at 10:30 am. He is spending the day with her, going to the bank, grocery store, etc. Then he will have dinner in the dining room with her so he can ward off some of the people that have been waiting for her to get back. Have a wonderful weekend.

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