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Writing Links: Plotting, Rest and more

Writing Links: Plotting, Rest and More

It’s been a tad busy here with summer baseball still going strong and a few deadlines I’m hurtling toward, so I’m keeping this short.

Last Saturday at writer’s group, we discussed various three-act plotting beat sheets. I thought you might enjoy them, too.

Michael Hauge has a fantastic Structure Chart to print out and keep handy.

Download Michael Hauge’s Six-Stage Structure Chart here.

If you need help understanding the terminology in the structure chart, Janice Hardy broke down the stages in this excellent post.

Read Janice Hardy’s “Plotting with Michael Hague’s Six-Stage Plot Structure” here.



Blake Snyder’s Save the Cat has a fantastic take on the three-act plotting structure. I’m a big fan of Blake Snyder’s Save the Cat beat sheet. I’ve found two terrific resources about it.

  1. Read Tim Stout’s “The Blake Snyder Beat Sheet (aka BS2)” here.
  2. Find Jami Gold’s take on Blake Snyder’s beat sheet (with scene and page breakdowns) in her Worksheets for Writers section here.



Finally, it’s easy to burn out as a writer. I loved this practical article by Beth Wangler (via Hannah Heath’s blog) with nine ways to avoid it.

Read “Don’t Write Every Day: 9 Ways to Rest and Rejuvenate” by Beth Wangler via Hannah Heath’s blog here.


How is your June going? What advice have you gotten lately that resonated with you?

Have a great weekend!


Jill Kemerer is a Publishers Weekly bestselling author of heartwarming, emotional, small-town romance novels often featuring cowboys. She hopes to encourage readers through her books the way so many books have encouraged her. Jill's essentials include coffee, caramels, a stack of books, her mini-doxie, and long walks outdoors. She resides in Ohio with her husband and two almost-grown children. For more information, visit her website,

Comments (6)

  1. Jill, thanks for all the links. I’ll be visiting a few as I relook at an outline for my Camp NaNoWriMo book (Camp begins July 1 and goes for the entire month, all online). Currently, I’m making a few tweaks to the first 13k words to the book as I reread to see what’s happened so far and where it was heading. It’s been quite a while since I worked on this particular project, and I’m happy to be getting back to it.

    I hope your summer is going well.

    1. That’s great, Andrea! I always have to review my early scenes, too. It’s hard to keep track at the beginning of a project. The Six-Stage Plot Structure chart is a fab resource to keep you on track! Enjoy!!

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