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Let's Set Goals December 2021

Let’s Set Goals {December 2021}

My writer productivity skyrockets when I set monthly goals. At the beginning of each week I break them down into daily tasks that will work within my current schedule. Do you know how great it is to finish projects? Of course you do! For me, setting monthly goals makes it all possible.

Every month I share how I did the previous month as well as my new goals. Let’s get to it!

How Did I Do? Jill’s November Goals

  • Writing
  • Final edits for Wyoming Ranchers Book 3, Guarding His Secret. CHECK!
  • Finish revising Wyoming Ranchers Book 4 and submit. CHECK!
  • Start prepping promotion plans for Wyoming Ranchers Book 2, A Cowboy to Rely On. CHECK!
  • Start drafting Wyoming Ranchers Book 5. CHECK!
  • Health
  • Exercise 5 days/week (I’m on Phase 3 of the 12-week workout, and it is brutal. Brutal.) NO CHECK. I got really sick and didn’t work out for two full weeks. It was rough!
  • Eat 2 fruits/day and at least 1 raw veggie/day. NO CHECK. Again, sick. 🙁
  • Drink minimum of 72 ounces of water every day. Maybe check–I drank a lot of water while I was sick!
  • Other
  • Read 20 minutes of fiction every weekday. NO CHECK. I did read one novel, though.
  • Decorate for Christmas!! NO CHECK. I’m just now getting my energy back.

Jill’s December Goals

  • Writing
  • Write sample chapters for Wyoming Ranchers Book 5.
  • Prep writing workshop for January event.
  • Prep promo items for the December 28, 2021 release of A Cowboy to Rely On.
  • Health
  • Exercise 5 days/week
  • Eat 2 fruits/day and at least 1 raw veggie/day
  • Drink minimum of 72 ounces of water every day
  • Other
  • Read 20 minutes of fiction every weekday
  • Decorate for Christmas!
  • Organize my office

Writing-wise, November was good. I cranked out my deadlines early, and it was a good thing, too, since I got sick shortly after. I ended up having to deal with some promo prep for Wyoming Ranchers Book 2 while I was sick, but I took it slow and got the vital stuff done.

Health-wise, November was rough. I’m doing much better, energy levels are returning–still congested, unfortunately. But I’ll be back to myself soon. I can feel it!

Other? Well, I’m hoping to decorate for Christmas on Friday night. My fall decor is still up, and it’s got to go! I’m ready for twinkle lights and ornaments everywhere. Bring it on!

What were your November goals? How did you do? What would you like to accomplish in December?

Have a terrific week!!


Jill Kemerer is a Publishers Weekly bestselling author of heartwarming, emotional, small-town romance novels often featuring cowboys. She hopes to encourage readers through her books the way so many books have encouraged her. Jill's essentials include coffee, caramels, a stack of books, her mini-doxie, and long walks outdoors. She resides in Ohio with her husband and two almost-grown children. For more information, visit her website,

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Well, we’re getting there.
    Finished research for my next nonfiction history book and most of the writing, one of my November goals.
    Worked to promote first nonfiction history book and had two book signings, another November goal, along with a power point library presentation.
    Worked on setting up PR for my next fiction title. It won’t release till 2022, but I really want to do a better job with this one.
    Prepared PowerPoint presentations for my history book and also for the Oregon Trail, the base for my novel series.
    Got back to my health goals and am walking more and eating less unhealthy stuff. Finally got the pandemic eating thing out of my system.
    Did not clean closets.
    My December goals:
    Finish the nonfiction book (index, acknowledgements, etc.). Finish collecting the photos for the book.
    Continue to promote the first nonfiction history book, with library talks etc.
    Get back to scanning in the family photos!
    Buy and learn to use Photoshop.
    Prepare for the “Redemption’s Hope” launch.
    Research my next fiction title/series.
    Keep on a healthy path. Do Not Get Sidetracked by holiday food and eating.
    Enjoy Christmas and New Year’s with family and friends!
    Note, there’s nothing in there about cleaning closets…
    Jill, thanks for Keeping Us On Track.
    Kathy Bailey

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