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16 Ways I'm Beating the Winter Blues. Jill Kemerer. Blog

16 Ways I’m Beating the Winter Blues

Winter can be rough in these parts. Day after day of gray skies take their toll. I’m sure if you live somewhere that’s always sunny, the brightness could take a toll, too. I wouldn’t know since I’ve always lived in states that have all four seasons. Unfortunately, winter just happens to be the longest season around here.

This year I decided to be proactive. I figure I can’t change the gray skies, but I can try new things to make life feel fresh. Here are sixteen things I’ve done since January 1 to beat the winter blues.

  1. Listened to happy music on Spotify. I’m currently enjoying the Sunday Morning Jazz playlist.
  2. Bought new makeup. I didn’t just buy a blush or a lipstick. No, I threw away ALL of my old makeup. It was past its prime, and I had Christmas gift money to spend.
  3. Watched YouTube videos and borrowed a book from the library to try new makeup techniques. This has been fun. I’d never applied foundation with a small brush before. I wouldn’t do it every day, but I’ll use it when I want to look special.
  4. Walked outside. When you bundle up and wear warm boots, you can get outside in the winter. I recently walked three miles during a gentle snow. It was incredible! So quiet and relaxing.
  5. Rented movies. We watched Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, and I was stunned by the sets. It was like getting transported to Hollywood in 1969. The attention to detail blew my mind. I’ve read several books recently about movie stars, musicians and places (Hotel Chelsea in NYC and Chateau Marmont in LA) in the late sixties, so “seeing” the Sunset Strip back then was a thrill for me.
  6. Sunday pampering. I give myself a mani-pedi every Sunday night. It just makes me feel fresh.
  7. Read magazines in our living room. Our living room is in the front of our house and has large windows and good lighting. The only problem with this room is that it has great views of the sidewalk, and our mini-dachshund Sophie barks at everything she sees. Since she follows me everywhere, I don’t get to enjoy many bark-free reading sessions, but I’m trying.
  8. Went thrift shopping. I enjoy consignment shops and thrift stores. Finding a new shirt or pair of jeans always makes my day.
  9. Spent a few hours at a different library. We are blessed to have multiple libraries in our system that I can borrow from. So I drove a little farther and browsed the stacks at a different library. I found some great books.
  10. Read books in different genres. I’m reading a short story collection, The Illustrated Man by Ray Bradbury right now. It’s been on my list for a while, and I finally ordered it. I’m enjoying it even if it is creepy!
  11. Tried a new dessert recipe. Valentine’s Day is my day to try new desserts. I made an ice cream pie–well, dome, really. I layered an Oreo crust, coffee ice cream (with added chocolate-covered almonds), hot fudge sauce, chocolate ice cream, chopped Oreos, more hot fudge sauce, and vanilla ice cream covered with chocolate-shell topping. SO BAD FOR YOU (yet so good)!!
  12. Watched a few episodes of Landscape Artist of the Year (Ovation channel). Seeing artists creating incredible landscapes before my eyes is very interesting and satisfying.
  13. Tried a new coffee shop. Coffee is always good!
  14. Browsed a purse sale. Didn’t buy anything. The prices were still pretty high. But sometimes it’s fun to look.
  15. Watched a high school diving meet. Out of all the sporting events I’ve been to, this was a first! It was wonderful to be WARM the entire time. Plus, we’re pretty proud of my son’s girlfriend who excels at diving!
  16. Modified my Passion Planner. I adore this planner! But the bottom sections of the weekly layout weren’t working for me as given. So I modified them to make more sense for my brain. Now it’s perfect.

I could have listed even more, but you get the idea. None of these things cost a ton of money (except for the makeup–thanks, Mom, for the Christmas money!), yet they brought me joy in so many ways. Sometimes beating the winter blues is just a matter of doing something different for a little while.

How do you get through monotonous seasons?

Have a great day!


Jill Kemerer is a Publishers Weekly bestselling author of heartwarming, emotional, small-town romance novels often featuring cowboys. She hopes to encourage readers through her books the way so many books have encouraged her. Jill's essentials include coffee, caramels, a stack of books, her mini-doxie, and long walks outdoors. She resides in Ohio with her husband and two almost-grown children. For more information, visit her website,

Comments (10)

    1. Checking out new libraries is refreshing! Experiencing new places always uplifts me. And baking! Your Valentine’s dessert sounds amazing!

  1. Jill, I live in NEW FREAKING HAMPSHIRE so I know about winter. This year I haven’t done anything specific, but I make it a point of getting out whenever I can and trying new coffee shops or revisiting old ones I love. I walk whenever I can stand it. One thing that works for me is a local supermarket chain often has early tulips for $5 a bunch, and I get those whenever they’re offered. But mostly I’m just really, really good to myself…

    1. Ouch!! NH is cold!! I hear you. Coffee shops are my thing, too! It’s nice because you don’t have to spend a ton of money, and you can linger without feeling pressure. What a great idea about buying tulips! They’re such happy flowers!

  2. I stand in awe of the beauty God blesses us with when there’s freshly fallen snow. I love when every tree branch is frosted in white. It always makes me think of the verse, “Though our sins are like scarlet, they will be white as snow.” Isaiah 1:18

  3. I have not had a good winter. The weather here has not been “real winter.” But we have had sickness and I have had some mental downtimes. I am seeing someone professionally about this. I did get excited about receiving a book to review. I forgot how nice it was to do that. I am waiting for a second one to come to me. I am reading a series from Guideposts that I share with my best friend. We are going to give them to a friend who is undergoing Chemo for stage 4 cancer. She will follow that with radiation. But the doctor says he can’t do surgery. Your suggestions are good.

    1. I’m so sorry, Cecelia. I completely understand. Even when the weather isn’t bitterly cold, all the gray days can really affect our mood. And being sick doesn’t help.
      That’s great you’re reviewing a book. I love to read! And passing on the books to your friend who is undergoing treatment is very thoughtful. I’m sorry she’s going through this, too. Life is hard sometimes. I’m praying for you.

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