I hope your 2025 is off to a great start! Mine has been busy and…
I’m a Big Baby When it Comes to First Drafts
I’m writing the final book in my Wyoming Legacies series, and it’s a struggle. First drafts are the hardest part of writing for me. While I enjoy watching the story and characters develop, it takes brain power to expand the basic plot points into a full novel.
I’m not a revise-as-you-go writer. No, I get the first draft down as quickly as possible and clean up the mess when it’s done. This one will need a dumpster and bleach.
I have about nine thousand words left to write. So, I’m nearing the end. You’d think I’d be excited to be this close to finishing. You’d be wrong.
Thirty minutes ago I pretended to sob out loud like a toddler denied an ice cream cone because I didn’t know what to write next. This happens on a regular basis. How regular? Once an hour? I don’t know. When I’m getting the story down, I’m a ball of anxiety.

Restlessness takes over. I cannot sit still, because if I do, I have to think of what to write next. So I cut up a few strawberries. I really want potato chips. And I force myself to write another paragraph.
I write three more pages.
They. Are. Terrible.
Who cares? Words are on the page. That’s about all I can ask for at this point.
When I end the writing session, I’m flooded with a sense of relief. And one of doom.
The writing is choppy. I’m pretty sure I repeated the same conversation six times. Does the last scene even make sense? No. It doesn’t.
I walk away, telling myself I’ll fix everything after the draft is done.
Later, when I’m cooking dinner, I no longer hate what I wrote. I remember something insightful that came out, and I realize what I forgot to add to one of the scenes.
Writing a first draft is hard for me. But I love it. And I hate it.
What can I say? I’m a big baby when it comes to first drafts.
In one month, Training the K-9 Companion (#ad) will be in stores! This is the third book in my Wyoming Legacies series and the July installment of Love Inspired’s K-9 Companions series. It’s available to preorder now!

Enjoy your week!
Hang in there, Jill! Soon, you’ll be moving on to edits, and then you can really have fun with the story!
So true, Andrea! Love it!