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Book Information
ISBN: 978-0373879847
Publication Date: August 18, 2015/September 1, 2015
Publisher: Harlequin Love Inspired
Unexpected Family (Lake Endwell #2)
His Surprise Daughter…
After five years apart, Tom Sheffield is shocked to find his ex-wife, Stephanie, on his doorstep. The news that they share a child he’s never met sends him reeling. Four-year-old Macy has his eyes, his mouth and, from their first encounter, his heart. Things with her mother are much more complicated. He doesn’t understand what went wrong between them or why she kept their daughter a secret. And he’s afraid of falling in love all over again. Yet he feels a glimmer of hope that somehow he can convince Macy and Stephanie to stay in Lake Endwell—and with him—for keeps.
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What Reviewers Are Saying
“Beautiful descriptions abound in Kemerer’s latest. The Sheffield family seemingly has it all (faith, love, money), but demonstrates that nobody has a perfect life free of struggles.” ~ RT Book Reviews 4 Stars
“I unabashedly loved this story of ordinary flawed people who’ve grown up since their divorce, but my single favourite scene was the Parents Night. Stephanie scrambles to get herself and her four-year-old there; Tom shows up late, yet the teachers and parents fall all over him. It’s an important scene in the book, since it brings up Stephanie’s issues with his previous absence from their marriage and her own mother’s absence from, well, everything. But more than that, it was achingly real. I don’t know a single mother who doesn’t have a story like that, because dads get credit just for showing up. I even understand, a little, why we do it: we want to encourage men to be involved in parenting, so we go overboard praising even minimal efforts, whereas somehow we just expect mothers to parent. But it stings sometimes, and I appreciated the book for acknowledging it.” ~ CateMarsden.com
“Unexpected Family by Jill Kemerer is another wonderful Sheffield sibling story and though there isn’t the laughter moments like with Small-Town Bachelor this was just as wonderful in its own very special way. With this book the emotions is not laughter but heartache and fear. I think it is something wonderful when an author can write two completely different stories and pull something completely different emotion wise from the same reader.” ~ A Christian Bookworm Review
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