Looking for a professional, engaging, and motivational speaker? Contact Jill about your speaking needs.
Specialized Presentations for Writers:
- Reclaiming the Joy of Writing
- How GMC Drives Tension
- Maintenance Marketing: How to Build a Platform Between Books
- Plotting a Series
- The Financial Side of Writing
- Organizing Your Digital Files
- Where to Spend Money When You Don’t Have a Personal Assistant (Target Audience: Published Authors Indie/Traditional/Hybrid)
- Exquisite Planning: Ditch the Guilt and Get More Done
- Creating an Annual Production Plan (Target Audience: Published Authors Indie/Traditional/Hybrid)
- Writing the Synopsis Before the Book
- Writing for Harlequin Series
- Scene Essentials
General Topics for Writers:
- Productivity/Time Management
- Organization for Writers
- Motivation for Writers
- Writing Craft
I also enjoy speaking to women’s groups and church groups about my writing journey and why I write Christian fiction.

Why Have Jill Speak to Your Group?
I want writers to be inspired. I’m an everyday writer who focused on studying the writing craft, participating in writer’s groups, getting and giving critiques, following industry blogs and slogging through years of rejections to eventually become a Publishers Weekly bestselling author with over three-quarters of a million books sold worldwide. I don’t have an MFA in creative writing or a degree in English, but I did graduate magna cum laude with a bachelor of science degree in electrical engineering, which helps me with time management and organization.
Helping people pursue their dreams is a passion of mine. I’ve been regularly speaking to writer’s groups and women’s groups since 2011. I want to encourage and motivate writers. Our stories are important. Let’s get them out there!
I’m experienced. In addition to over twenty inspirational romance novels with Harlequin™ Love Inspired, my work has appeared in Woman’s World Magazine, Chicken Soup for the Soul: It’s Christmas!, Southern Writers Magazine: Suite T blog, Seekerville, Novel Rocket, Inspired by Life and Fiction, Ladies of Love Inspired, and more. I’ve also blogged for over a dozen years, starting at Blogger and later transitioning to JillKemerer.com/Blog.
I’ve spoken to American Fiction Christian Writers (ACFW-online education), Maumee Valley Romance Authors, Inc. (MVRAI), ACFW Memphis, Central Ohio Fiction Writers (COFW), ACFW Ohio, ACFW Nashville, Hope Circle for Devotional Writers and for private writer retreats. I’ve also presented at 2018’s Researching the Romance Conference at Bowling Green State University.
My fees are affordable. I’m offering a free hour-long workshop to writer’s groups for a limited time. Contact me about availability.
About Jill:
Jill Kemerer is a Publishers Weekly bestselling author of heartwarming, emotional, small-town romance novels often featuring cowboys. Over three-quarters of a million copies of her books have sold worldwide. Jill is passionate about helping writers pursue their dreams. She’s been speaking to writer’s groups since 2011. A member of ACFW and FHLCW, Jill served on the board of MVRAI for six years and was president in 2019. In addition to fifteen inspirational romance novels with Harlequin™ Love Inspired, her work has appeared in Woman’s World Magazine, Chicken Soup for the Soul: It’s Christmas!, and other publications. Jill resides in Ohio with her husband. They have two adult children. For more information please visit her website, jillkemerer.com.
Contact Jill about Speaking
Email me at jill@jillkemerer.com or use the form below.